Chapter Sixteen: Garbage Girl #2

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You stepped across the wet grass, glancing back at Hoshi to make sure she was okay. Hoshi was with her own group of friends now, so you quickly sprinted across the grass towards Mitsuo. 

Grass stained your sneakers and drops of dew flew onto your socks, soaking them. You were almost fifteen feet away from him when you slipped on the grass, hurtling forward. 

You waited for a faceplant in the wet grass but someone caught you, their hands tucked under your shoulders. You looked up to see Mitsuo frowning down at you. "Mitsuo? H-how did you get here so fast?"

"Tch. Watch where you're going next time," Mitsuo replied in a low voice, ignoring your question. He pulled you to your feet. 

"But you were all the way over there!" you protested, pointing at the tree he was under a few moments ago.

Mitsuo glared at you. "Think before you start asking reckless questions."

Embarrassed, you kicked at a clump of grass. "I just noticed your cut and I wanted to ask where it was from."

The teen blinked at you. "What?" 

You reached for his arm and was about to pull up the sleeve when Mitsuo yanked it away. "Don't touch me. I have no cut."

"But I-"

"Stop!" Mitsuo growled under his breath. His eyes were flicking around nervously, making sure no one was listening. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. If I was injured, I would have taken care of it. Stop worrying about me and leave me alone."

You watched him roll down his navy blue sleeve, and turned around to walk away. 

You turned your own way and was about to start walking when someone stepped in front of you. It was the girl who attempted to insult Hoshi. "Were you trying to flirt with Mitsuo?" she snarled.

"What?" You tried to step around them, but she matched your steps, blocking you.

"He caught you when you fell," the girl pointed out haughtily. "Is there some secret relationship going on here?"

Irritated, you crossed your arms. "He was just being friendly."

"Leave our Mitsuo alone, Garbage Girl Number Two!" the girl declared. "Mitsuo would never date someone like you."

"I already know that," you replied dryly. 

"I bet she's that type of girl who dates several guys at once," one of the girl's cronies whispered. "And breaks up with them the next day."

You were a little more than annoyed. "Let me through."

"You don't go to this school," the girl realized, as if it wasn't obvious enough already. "Is she some college girl?" She whipped out a notepad. "Mitsuo like older girls, huh?" she said thoughtfully, scribbling something down. All her friends did the same thing. You took the chance to leave the scene immediately.

What a bunch of idiots, you thought, glancing back at the group of girls. They were still taking notes. You turned back to the front and immediately bumped into someone. You stared at the red tie, then slowly looked up to see a familiar smirk. 

"Hey, there, (Y/N)," Katsu grinned. 

You glared at him. "Let me through."

"Getting close to one of my friends, huh?" Katsu asked. "I always thought Mitsuo wasn't a 'crushing-on-a-girl' type, but hey, the world is full of surprises."

You were about to reply when you heard a wail. Glancing back, you saw the girl from before. "Katsu, too?" she cried. She noticed you looking at her strangely, and she glared at you furiously. "Listen up, Garbage Girl Number Two! You better get out of here before you take all of our boys!" 

You rolled your eyes at that, and faced forward again. Katsu blinked down at you. "I guess you should go now."

You walked past him, and you heard him call, "Don't worry, girls, I would never date a girl like her!" That was immediately followed by a bunch of fangirls screaming, "You're so loyal, Katsu!"

What a bunch of airheads.

* * *

Iris: You'll get over it soon, Hamada. Cheer up! I'll bring gummy bears the next time I come over.

Hiro stared at the message. For some reason, he felt a little ticked off at Iris. She was one of the reasons (Y/N) got mad. She made me stop talking to (Y/N). He sighed and picked up his phone.

Hiro: No. Don't come over. I'm busy. 

He pressed Send, hoping Iris wouldn't get offended. Immediately, the door opened, and Aunt Cass flew in. "Hiro!" she called eagerly.

"What?" Hiro grouched. He shut off his phone.

"You'll be so glad, Hiro," Cass bubbled. "We're visiting New York!"

Wait, but (Y/N) and I aren't together anymore. . . 

* * *

Love, Hiro (Sequel to Two Hamada Brothers, Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now