Chapter Twenty-Two: Quinn

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You stared up at the boy, trying not to scream or run or just go back to sleep. "Why. . . didn't you kill me earlier, then?" you asked finally, trying to keep your voice from trembling.

Mitsuo hesitated. "That doesn't matter anymore," he replied flatly. "You're a burden to everyone around you, (Y/N), and it's about time you know that."

"Hey!" you protested, your fears gone. "I never wanted to come here, to New York. I never wanted to leave behind my old life, where I built bots and attended SFIT. I never wanted to change my lifestyle and meet you. I didn't ask for all of this."

"I didn't ask to be born in a spy clan like this, either," Mitsuo responded. "But I was, and my fate was sealed." 

"Your fate to be a murderer?" you shot back. "This is ridiculous. Leave me alone. Better yet, take me home."

"I'm not a murderer," Mitsuo said hotly. "I've been protecting your father for years. How many people have tried to kill him? A lot."

"What?" You forced out a dry laugh. "Yeah, right. You just said you wanted to avenge Callaghan's death."

"Listen, piteous girl," Mitsuo snapped, crouching down so he was glaring straight at you. "I'm not trying to make this complicated." He reached for his pocket. "May as well get this over with."

You stopped talking immediately. Or breathing, by that matter. 

Mitsuo pulled out his dagger, and you slumped down. It was over. 

But to your surprise, something in Mitsuo's other pocket crackled to life. "Mitsuo, what are you doing? Stop flirting with the (Y/N) girl and get to the buildings." 

Mitsuo glared at the device in his pocket. "I'm just doing my job!" He stood up and looked back at you. "I'll come back later," he muttered, and shoved the dagger back into his pocket. He left the cell quickly.

You swallowed thickly and looked up at the triangular window. Weak but determined light filtered into the room faintly. 

I have no idea where I am, you thought. Hiro, Hoshi, Michiko, and Cass will be wondering where I am. . . 

* * *

"Ow!" you growled, picking yourself off the the floor. You looked back up at the window. For several hours you had tried to get up to the window, but the slippery, dingy walls prevented you from doing so.

You brushed yourself off hastily and went back to your spot in the corner, where you began to doze off.

* * *

You woke up immediately when you heard the door creak open. Probably Mitsuo coming to kill me. You felt your stomach rumble. He could've at least provided some food before giving me that stupid lecture. 

To your surprise, it wasn't the boy. It was a fit young woman, probably about in her early twenties. She had a brown spiky ponytail pulled away from her pale face, exposing her green eyes. Her face was set in a frown, and she wore a green-brown sleeveless waterproof jacket over a long-sleeved black shirt. At her feet were worn boots, and she wore black pants. In her callused hands was a tray of something. A delicious smell was wafting off of it. 

She shut the door behind her and approached you. You watched her set the tray of food in front of you, but you didn't move. The lady was obviously waiting for some reaction but there was none. After a moment, she said, "Mitsuo doesn't mean any harm."

You recognized the voice. It was the lady who contacted Mitsuo right when he was about to stab you to death. "Right," you scoffed. "He's trying to kill me."

"He's only following orders," she replied softly. "If he didn't obey them, he would be punished."

"Where am I?" you asked warily, changing the subject.

"Not far from your home," she responded shortly. How helpful, you thought sarcastically.

You shuffled so you were sitting upright. Your arms felt strangely heavy. "What did you bring me?" You eyed the tray, which held two bowls of soup and a plate of thinly sliced turkey. A strange sauce was dribbled over the meat. 

The heavy door opened a second time to reveal Mitsuo. Your insides hardened at the sight of him; you wanted to beat him up.

"Quinn?" he asked in surprise.

The lady smiled stiffly. "I suppose you'll take over now." Quinn stood up, waved at you, then left the room. 

"Don't come near me," you mumbled as Mitsuo crouched in front of you, picking up one of the pieces of silverware. He spooned up a bit of (Favorite Soup), then held it to your lips.

"I don't need you to feed me," you snapped, about to push him away, then realized your arms were chained to the wall. Oh, great, you thought angrily. 

Mitsuo didn't reply, just frowned. He didn't move his hand away, just pressed the spoon against your lips. As much as you wanted to accept the offering, you pursed your lips and refused.

"Leave me al-" Before you could finish your sentence, Mitsuo shoved the spoon into your mouth, practically hitting the back of your throat. You choked once, but he didn't bother to extract the spoon, just curled his lips into a slight, cruel smile.

You reluctantly swallowed down the soup. Mitsuo held out another spoonful. You opened your mouth slightly, worried that he would shove the spoon down your throat again. But the spoon just slipped into your mouth, waiting for you to eat the soup.

Before you knew it, you had finished both bowls, and ate the turkey. Feeling alive once again, you curled up against the wall, glaring at Mitsuo. He didn't look at you, just cleaned up the tray and left the room.

* * *

Love, Hiro (Sequel to Two Hamada Brothers, Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now