Doctors and Dancing (EJ, Gina, Ashlyn, & Big Red)

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A/N: Redlyn is canon, Portwell isn't.

Gina sighed and pulled out her phone. She searched for EJ's number in her phone, clicking on it when she finally found it. She waited until he picked up. "Hey..."

"What's up?" EJ asked her.

"So I'm at Ash's, and she was gonna take me to my dance recital. But apparently she had to cancel for something, and I've got no ride."

"I can take you." He offered, assuming she was about to ask anyways.

"Could you?" She asked. "Thank you, it would not be a great think to walk to and I've got no license."

"I get it." He nodded. "Any idea what's up with Ash though?"

"Um, I actually think she's at the doctor with Big Red."

"Why?" He asked, freaking out. He could get really protective over people he cared about, especially if they were already hurting.

"I don't know the details, sorry. I think something happened at school."

"Oh. So... when should I pick you up?"

"Okay, I know this was super last minute. 30 minutes work?" She asked.

"I'll be there."

"Thanks again." Gina thanked EJ, who offered his hand as they walked to his car. She laughed. "What's that all about?"

"Just being a gentlemen." He laughed. She rolled her eyes.

"Why thank you." She smiled, both of them getting in the car.

"Gina!" EJ rushed over to the stage, as were some others. For what he felt like must have been the first time in her life, she had fallen while dancing. The recital stopped, because Gina looked far from fine. "Are you alright?"

"Um, my leg... I don't know." She admitted, holding her leg. EJ looked around before picking her up.

"Do you think it could be broken?"

"Maybe?" She nervously said.

"Let's just get you to the hospital." He carried her over to a group of people who were there in case of any injuries.

"EJ?" Ashlyn asked, having called her cousin. "Gina told me you brought her, how'd it go?"

"Well, not so great. It sounds like basically everyone I care about gets to go to the doctor and or hospital today." EJ muttered.

"Wait, what happened?" Her voice switched from curious to concerned immediately.

"What?" EJ faintly heard from the other side of the call.

"One sec Biggie." She interrupted. "EJ? What happened?"

"Gina fell. We're at the hospital, she broke her leg."

"That's awful!" She gasped.

"Yes. And also, what happened with you?"

"Oh, ha, right. That." She nervously laughed. "I'm putting you on speaker EJ."

"Okay." He nodded.

"So... yeah, uh, at school I kinda had a bit of a—"

"Ash, it wasn't a bit of one, it was literally one." Big Red interrupted her. "You don't have to downplay it."

"I just don't want it to sound that bad."

"It's a big deal—"

"Can someone just tell me?" EJ snapped, scared.

"I had a panic attack, apparently I've been overworking myself. Big Red took me to the doctor." She admitted.


"I've got anxiety. I'm fine right now."

"You sure?" They both asked.

"We're talked about this." Ashlyn said to Big Red.

"Okay, fine." He nodded.

"Oh, I really have to go. Gina." EJ told them.

"Bye!" Ashlyn hung up.

"Gina, before you go into surgery and all this complicated stuff, can we talk?" EJ asked.

"Yeah." She agreed. "I think we need to."

"I like you."

"I like you too." She replied.

"So... that was easy?"

"Other than the fact I just broke my leg?"

"Well that doesn't have to do with admitting we like each other." He said. She raised an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe I realized it a little more when you fell."

"Let's go out sometime." She smiled.

"Sounds good."

"But not for the next few days." She sighed. "I'll see you later."

"I guess both of those have to do with your leg?"

"Exactly. They come in in a few minutes."

"Bye Gi." He smiled and walked out the room.

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