Sidelines (Kowie)

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A/N: currently obsessed with this song... listen now and listen in 20 minutes and listen— okay, whenever you want, but listen to set the ✨vibe✨ and ✨plot line✨

The awards for the Menkie's had just been announced, East High ranking 1st place. Likely because North High had spent more money than time to work on acting and singing, but also because they had also done Beauty and the Beast, North High didn't rank.

"Congrats." Howie dryly said to Kourtney, who was walking over with her arm linked in Nini's. Kourtney almost didn't notice his tone until Nini's face fell into a look of uncomfortableness, and she walked away.

"Thanks?" Kourtney replied.

"Which is a question because?"

"Because you don't actually sound very happy for us." She said, crossing her arms.

"I'm just a little down. North High didn't rank. Can I not be a bit upset about that?"

"You can, but you can also be happy for me."

"I told you congrats!"

"But did you mean it?" She asked. No answer came. "That's what I thought."


"You can have more than one emotion. I would be upset if East High lost, and I would be upset Lily and Antione and the others won, but you're my boyfriend. I would be happy for you personally."

"Give me time and I'll be in a better mood."

"That's not what this is about." She shook her head in disbelief. "I forgave you for not telling me about North High. But you can't show a tiny bit of happiness?"

"I can fake it."

"Exactly. There's a difference in saying congratulations and meaning it while acting happy, even though your school lost, and this. Firstly, I would understand you being upset North High didn't win if you did tell me. Secondly, you're faking in sign of being happy for me. Which means you can't be happy for me." She ranted.

"What do you expect? I lost."

"I thought you were less competitive than this. You helped East High and you didn't care about the rivalry. But I guess true colors show under pressure, huh?"

"This is stupid, I just wasn't enthusiastic enough for you?"

"No, you can't be happy for me." She repeated. "Don't try to deny it again, you've admitted it already. If you can't be happy for me—"


"You can be another North High student who just watches East High from the sidelines. We don't need your help next semester. And I don't really think I need you."

"That's it? You're dumping me?"

"Some people might be fine with choosing between a dream—" she was interrupted by Howie once again.

"A dream? Winning the Menkies was your dream?" He scoffed.

"No, but the costumes, makeup, and acting is. If you can't be happy for me in high school, I know you won't later." She snapped. "And I'm not choosing between my dreams and you, it's not much of a choice anymore. Bye, Howie."

"Come on!"

"No. Because even if I wasn't upset about this, you aren't even telling me anything worth listening to. You're begging instead of actually doing things to work on yourself and us."

"It's been 2 minutes."

"Yes, but will you?" She asked. "Again, exactly what I thought. I'm gonna go celebrate with my friends. Bye." She walked away and back to Nini and the others, leaving Howie there.

A/N: for the record I do strongly ship Kowie, but this song has been stuck in my head and it seemed like the best couple for it since Kourtney is so independent and they're competing against each other. This will definitely not happen lol, there's literally a celebration pic with them and I can't imagine a couple that's hardly together breaking up this quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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