Damn You Banks

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We watched as the hawks chanted and did their warm ups. "Are they drill sergeants or a hockey team?" I shuddered and the rest of the team looked like they we're about ready to wet themselves. Everyone was way to nervous about the game.

"Hey, girls." Larson sneered as him and McGill came up to us.


"Hello." Me and Connie just said our simple hellos because, well, we're girls. Jesse and Peter started to jump at them and they skated away back to their team. "What was the point of doing that?" I raised my eyebrows watching them skate away. "Right? What was the point of even coming over here." Connie shook her head looking back at the hawk boys.

"To mess with our heads." Jesse spat. "To let us know they're gonna win." Charlie sighed sadly. "We already know they're gonna win, no need to rub it in." I huffed crossing my arms.

"Where's Bombay?" Everyone started to look around. "I found him." I pointed to him talking to the hawks coach. The whole team started yelling and wondering why he could possibly talking to the opposing teams coach.

"They look awfully friendly." Connie said as we watched them shake hands.


We all stood watching the hawks chant 'win' over and over agin. I adjusted my not even real jersey in discomfort. "Alright guys, gather around." Bombay called us over. "Win! Win! Win!" He started to copy what the hawks were saying. A couple people repeated it back unenthusiastically.

"Just get out there." Bombay sighed as we skated onto the ice.

The hawks were hitting their goalie with their sticks as they skated by, so we decided to do the same. "Oh great. Nice guys. Ouch!" Goldberg yelled. Me and Charlie skated up and I hit him in one leg and Charlie hit him in the other. "Nice going, fools." Goldberg groaned as he fell. "Sorry, Goldberg." Charlie skated back to help him, while I just laughed and skated away.

I was facing off McGill and Jesse and terry were on right and left wing. The puck dropped and McGill passed it to Banks after shoving me down. Everyone went after the puck and fell, so I went after it. McGill bashed into me again making me fall and let out a groan.

I looked up at the crowd started cheering and I saw Banks made it in.

That happened so many more times I don't think I could even count. The crowd was chanting 'Banks' over and over again making me want to puke. Guess the encouraging crowd helped because he made it in...again.

I had the puck again and I circled the hawks' goal. I went to shoot and it was almost in, but the goalie saved it with their toe right before it made it in.

A little while after Charlie got the puck, I knew he was going to mess it up eventually, but I had a tiny bit of hope. He went to shoot and completely missed. He fell onto the ice, slid, and crashed into the boards.

Right after Charlie got up, Adam slammed him into the boards and he crashed back down. "What the hell is wrong with you." I pushed him and he just laughed. "I'm playing the game, Anderson. If you can't handle it, leave." He smirked while skating away. Damn you Banks!, I thought before looking back at Charlie.

I helped Charlie up and we skated back to the bench. Goldberg gave up on being the goalie apparently, he moved out of the way and gave the Hawks the goal. "I'm so embarrassed." Connie shook her head. "We need a new goalie." I muttered putting my head in my hands.

The buzzer went off right as Banks scored the last goal. That's the game. Just as I expected. Can you guess who lost?

We were all yelling at each other about how bad we did. "Shut up! You guys stink!" Gordon shouted at us. "Tell me something I don't know." I said quietly rolling my eyes. "I thought we came here to play hockey." He said sending me a glare.

"Y'know, I knew we forgot something." Peter said making the team laugh.

"You think it's funny? You think losing is funny?"

"Well, not at first but..."

"You get used to it." I finished Averman's sentence for him. "We're the ones out there gettin' our butts kicked." Jesse argued. "Yeah, it's not like you coach us or anything."

"At least we tried." I told Coach as all of us agreed. "You didn't listen to a word I said. I said, keep your heads up, you put your heads down. I said hustle, you went slower! The was the sloppiest playing I've ever seen. Why the hell don't you just listen to me?" He practically screamed at all of us.

"I mean, why the hell should we?" I asked him crossing my arms. "You wanna loose fine, you're the ones who look like idiots out there." He said and everyone walked out. I just sat there drinking my water.

"Y'know kid, too bad you're mouthy, I can see you having a real future." Coach shook his head, looking at me. "Wait, you really mean that?" I asked shocked. "You're the only decent player we've got. Of course I mean it. I know good when I see it." He nodded and walked out.

I'm only used to people telling me I don't have a future in hockey. Mostly my parents, usually my dad though. Neither of my parents have actually ever come to one of my games. So it was nice finally hearing someone say that, even if they were just saying it to be nice.

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