Book 2 Cast list

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Hi! I just posted the cast for book 2 of this series. It's called, 'Moved On | Adam Banks'

I already wrote about this in that book but, a big part of the plot is AdamBankstho idea. I just wanna thank them for giving me the idea and letting me use it. I did change the plot up a bit and it's not 100% like their book 'Clueless', but there's a part that's quite similar.

Thank you for 600+ reads!! It's means a lot that people are actually reading this. I had no clue people would actually read this which shocked me. I hope everyone that read the book enjoyed it. I know that this wasn't the best, but I've been practice my writing for book 2 and I have a better plot. This book was kind of just a starter so it wasn't the most detailed or interesting. But, I needed a plot to get started with.

Also, after the series is over I might post a book thats about Scarlett and Adam's summers as a little something. Only if people would want that though. Just as something extra. Or maybe spin-offs of the book or something if I ever get bored.

Thank you! I hope you are all having a great night/day. If you haven't eaten or drank anything, please do. It's important, I know it can be hard, but even if it's something small. Snd if you have, I'm so proud of you!

I hope you enjoy the next book!

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