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After getting Fulton on the team, tying in a game against the Cardinals, and finding my locker spray painted, we finally made it to our game with the Hawks.

Coach had me talk to him in his office about the whole locker thing.

"What the hell is going on with your locker?"

"They saw me hanging out with Adam Banks and think I'm a traitor. It's okay though. Most of them forgot about it anyway."

"Adam Banks..."

"What was that Coach?"

"Oh, nothing. Go practice."


"Hey, Bianca. Where's Jenny?" I said walking into my sisters room.

Bianca Johnson is my sisters best friend and my best friends sister, confusing right? I'm best friends with Bianca sister, Aspen. And Bianca is best friends with my sister Jenny.

"She went out with some Tommy kid. I wasn't gonna third wheel, so I stayed here. She's been a real bitch lately." Bianca rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it." I scoffed sitting on the bed next to her. "How's hockey?" She smiled getting makeup out of her bag.

"Pretty good. We've got a new coach. He's absolutely amazing. He told me he thinks I have a future in hockey. Can you believe that? Someone other than you guys actually believes in me! But I hung out with this boy on another team-" I explained as she started to do my makeup.

"Boy? Scarlett Jane Anderson! Tell me everything." She exclaimed.

"I was getting to that, B."

"Right, sorry."

"So, I snuck out the other night and we hung out. I taught him how to skateboard, and we talked. Then a couple days later we went to the park and my team saw us hanging out. Our teams kinda don't like each other. It's funny because it's sorta like a movie plot."

"But anyway I find out Averman liked me and then got sad when he saw me with Adam Banks, but then he told me he didn't wanna ruin our friendship, so he got over it. Then I walk into the locker rooms a couple days later for practice. And I see 'Traitor' spray painted all over my locker." I took in a deep breath after explaining everything.

"Holy shit, you've got a lot of drama for a twelve year old." She laughed brushing blush onto my cheeks. "You're telling me."

"How's everything with your Mom and Dad?" She asked putting down the makeup.

"They came home the other day, they left right after though. Nothing new, they came to tell me I suck at hockey and they hate me for playing it. And basically that they love Jenny and Joey more. God, my whole family basically hates me." I groaned falling back onto the bed.

"No, they don't. Your family sucks anyway. I love you, Aspen loves you, you've got a great team, amazing friends, and this Adam Banks kid. Plus you're great at hockey. Believe me, I would tell you if you were. I'll even be at your next game. Your about to make the playoffs, right?"

"Yeah, we are. I'm so excited. I really hope we do."

"You will. And I'll be there to watch the whole thing. Now you wanna hang out with me? I like you way more than your sister." She said wrapping her arm around me.

"Who doesn't?"


I went with Peter and Jesse to the rink during the hawks game. I was still trying to get them to stop being mad about the whole 'traitor' thing. I was walking but Jesse pulled me back. "What th-"

"Sh." They pointed to Bombay talking to The hawks coach, Riley. "Oh, oops."

"You've got a whole team full of Banks, what's one gonna make a difference." Bombay said.

"Even with Banks, what do you think you're gonna prove? You and that bunch of losers?" Riley responded.

"That's right, Coach. They are losers. We hate losers, don't we? They don't even deserve to live." After Bombay said that Jesse and Peter walked away.

"Guys, cmon he's obviously being sarcastic." I said catching up to them. "Forget about him. We don't deserve to live in his eyes, remember?" Peter raised his eyebrows and I let him and Jesse walk away.

"Hey, Coach." I ran up to him. "Hi, Scarlett. How are you?"

"Good. Uh. What're you doing here?" I asked as we walked towards his car. "That's a surprise."

"Oh, no. That can't be good." I joked.

"The team may not like it, you might. You and Hans actually jump started the idea." He said making me look at him confused.

"You need a ride home?" He asked as we walked up to his car.

I trust him enough to give me a ride home. If this ends badly, it'd be a great way to die.

"Uh, if you wouldn't mind, that'd be great."

"Of course, anytime. Hop in." He said opening the door. "Thanks, Coach."

The whole way home I just talked to him about my home life. It was nice talking to someone about it. He told me how he was a hawk and about his family. He told me why he became a coach and what he used to do as a living.

He asked an awful lot of questions for a hockey coach. I don't know why he's so interested about my life, but I didn't mind. He hasn't tried to kill me yet so I think it's safe enough to tell him.


im trying to give Scarlett more of a background and not just have the whole story be of Adam I think it'd be more interesting if I did that

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