Mama Conway

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Today, what I thought was going to be hockey practice, turned into acting class. Bombay paired us up. He's training us to fake fall and make it 'look real'. I was with Averman, and boy was this fun.

I swiped my stick under his feet and he fell with a yell. "Make it look real. Act hurt!" Coach yelled at Averman while he walked past us. "I am hurt." Averman groaned as I helped him up.

As much as I loved being able to injure Averman with my hockey stick over and over again, I'm not too fond of this 'acting hurt' idea.

"I thought this was hockey practice, not acting class." I mumbled to Averman as coach called us in. "I've always wanted to be an actor." Averman joked as we skated up to coach making two lines.

"Say it again!"

"Take the fall! Act hurt! Get indignant!"

"Good, you guys are ready." Bombay left and we went to the locker rooms.

"We still going to see Charlie's mom during her shift?" I asked Averman as I slipped on my doc martens I made my sister buy me. "Ya so hurry your ass up. I'm hungry." Averman whined like an impatient child. "Alright."


We all crossed the street to Mickeys, Connie and I were ahead because we had our skateboards. I looked at the window after Averman groaned, "Oh, great."

"Yay! It's the three musketeers." I sighed sarcastically waking in. Connie followed after and Averman then Charlie.

"This tastes horrible." I heard an awfully familiar voice from across the restaurant. I looked over to see McGill spitting whatever he was drinking back into his cup.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm not the one who makes the food and drinks, but I'll let them know. I'll get you a new one right away." Casey Conway's frazzled voice sputtered across the restaurant.

"What the hell." I could practically see steam coming out of Charlie's ears. I can feel the anger boiling up inside my own body as well.

Charlie's mom is one of the only people I can, and will, call a parental figure, and seeing someone talk to her like that made my blood boil.

"Who does that guy think he is?" Averman rolled his eyes staring at the boy from across the diner. "He needs to be put in his place. It doesn't even matter by who." Connie scoffed crossing her arms. "Oh he's going to." I muttered starting towards him.

"Where does he get off like that talking to her that way." I scowled to myself stomping over to him. "Oh, would ya look who it is." McGill sneered as he watched me walk over.

"What the hell is your problem, you asshole." I seethed slamming my hands onto the table. Larson and Adam jumped from the other side of the booth. "Nothing, calm down, Anderson."

"Talk to her like that again around me, and I'll rock your shit. And you know damn well I will." I spat making him gulp. "Now she's gonna come back with a new drink, you're gonna enjoy it, you're gonna apologize, say thank you, and pay for both drinks. And leave a hell of a tip. Understand?" He nodded eagerly as the boys across from them hid their smiles. 

"Here's your new drink, I'm so sorry about that, hun." Casey came back with his drink and sat it in front of him. I glared at him as he brought the cup up to his lips. "Mm. Great. Delicious. Thank you, Mrs. Conway. And I'm so sorry for my behavior earlier. I don't know what took over me. My apologies." He smiled a sweet smile I knew was forced as he handed her a twenty for a tip.

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