Aspen Johnson

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Aspen Johnson, or A.J. My best friend, classmate, and soon to be teammate hopefully. Aspen is one of the best enforcers I know. Whenever someone gets her mad she goes to play hockey. She plays hockey to release her anger and emotions. That's why she's so good at it. But she's not on a team because no one really uses enforcers for PeeWee hockey.


"So, explain to me why we're here again." Aspen asked why we walked into the empty rink. "Bombay asked me if I knew anyone who played hockey. So I called you. He just wants to see how you play." I explained to her while we skated onto the ice.

"Hey, Coach. This is Aspen Johnson. Best enforcer I know." She smiled at him and they shook hands. "Enforcer, huh?"

"Yes, sir." Aspen nodded with a smile.

"Never thought we'd need one. Probably a good idea though. Let me see your skills, Johnson." He said as she put her helmet on.

We played 1v1 until coach told us to stop, the score being 3-2, Aspen's loss. To be fair, she was just about to score another goal when he told us to stop. She knocked me down multiple times and I think my ribs are bruised.

From the looks of it, Bombay was pretty impressed. "Well, you did good, kid."

"Thank you, sir."

"Well bad news..." He said, me and Aspen look at each other sadly. "It may take awhile to get your jersey." He smiled making me and Aspen cheer and hug each other.

"Welcome to the ducks, Aspen Johnson." Bombay patted the girls back with a grin.

"Thank you, sir."

"Call me coach."

"Coach, right. Thank you." She beamed skating to the locker rooms. "Thank you, Coach. She's always wanted to be on a proper team but no one ever really uses enforcers since it's just peewee hockey."

"Of course. Thanks for finding me a player, Scarlett."

"Anytime, coach." I nodded and went to the locker rooms to find Aspen.

"Wow, I can't believe we've got another girl on the team!" Connie squealed hugging Aspen.

I introduced Connie and Aspen about a month ago and we've all been pretty good friends ever since. "I can't believe it either." Aspen laughed jumping onto my bed. "I can. You definitely deserve to be on a team."

"Uh, Scar? Look out your window." Connie said while her and Aspen backed away from the window so I could look.

It was Adam standing in his room with a sign that said, "Can you come outside to talk?" I read aloud and the girls made 'ooh' sounds. I picked up my notebook and wrote, "Sure, will it be quick? Connie and Aspen are over."

He nodded his head and walked out of his bedroom. "I'll be back." I said to the two girls. "See you in an hour, Mrs. Banks." Aspen sung while Connie braided her red wavy hair. "Have fun!" Connie yelled as I walked out of the door.

"Hey, Banks. What's up?" I asked walking into his driveway. I saw Claire from the window and we waved to each other. "Did Bombay tell you guys yet?"  He asked quietly.

"Yeah, why didn't you tell me?"

"My father wanted to make some arrangements for me to stay on the hawks, but it didn't work. I don't think he wants me to play for the ducks, but to be honest, all I want to do is play hockey." He sighed looking at his feet. He kicked a couple pebbles around while I thought on what to say.

"Then play, Adam. Don't listen to what your dad says. If all you wanna do is play he should respect that. And if he doesn't well, screw him then. What you want should come before what he wants." I smiled grabbing his left hand.

The ring I gave him is still on his thumb. I held held his hand in mine and spun the ring around his finger. I didn't even know we started to lean in before I looked up at his face. Our lips were so close I could feel his breath.

All of a sudden a screen guard from my window fell next to us, making us jump apart.

"Oh, shit!"

"Back away! Back away!"

I heard Connie and Aspen yelling. Me and Adam stood there and laughed. "See ya at the next game, Banks?"


"Bye." I kissed his cheek and walked away not before seeing him blush and run back into his house.

"Connie! Aspen! Where are you, you little shits!" I yelled running into my room. "We're so sorry!" Connie apologized as soon as I walked in. "We didn't mean to, we promise!"

"We were kinda sorta eavesdropping-" Connie started to fidget with her hands. "-And we leaned against the window, and I guess we leaned to hard because it kinda fell." Aspen cut her off with an innocent smile. "Yeah, I saw that. It almost fell on our heads." I said and Connie giggled. "You think almost killing me is almost funny?" I exclaimed looking over at her.

She was looking through my, now broken, window. Aspen ran over and laughed, "Holy shit, Scar come look at this." She laughed waving me over. "What-"

I stopped when I saw an extremely happy Adam Banks jumping around his room while holding his cheek where I kissed him. "Aw! That's so cute." Connie gushed shaking my shoulders. "Oh, he definitely likes you." Aspen smirked falling onto my bed.

"You think?"


"You've gotta be blind if you don't see it."

I'm honestly rlly excited to write Aspen's character

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