Chapter 1

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As I layed out on the open grass in Nijigasaki's courtyard, I looked up at the sky above me and thought to myself. I eventually got up from where I was laying and headed back onto the sidewalk. I said I would meet up with some friends later and as nice as it is to relax, I should maybe do something actually productive for a while.

Due to my good mood, I walked through the courtyard with a smile on my face, looking out at the trees and plants growing along the sidewalk. However, due to me not paying attention, I ended up bumping into someone. I looked to see that when we had bumped into each other, I had knocked a girl with short brown hair and pink eyes down.

I held out my hand to help her up and said "Sorry about that. I should probably have been paying more attention."

She took my hand and I helped her up. "It's alright." she said. She then took another look at me and said "Wait, I know you, you're the one who helped me out when that one guy was trying to take me somewhere."

"Huh?" I responded. I don't think I remember doing something like that.

"Do you not remember? I guess it was a year ago, but I thought you might remember helping somebody as lovely as me." she said

Wait, a year ago? I guess there was one time something like that happened last school year.


One Year Ago...

I wandered around town, trying to remember what I went out for. Mom sent me out to grab whatever it was, but it kind of left my mind. As I passed by a cafe, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Mom, asking what it was I was supposed to grab before putting my phone in my pocket. I continued to wander around for a while before I heard a girl call out "Let me go!"

I rushed in the direction I heard the voice from and saw a guy wearing a local highschool, Yoshitoki High's uniform. He held the wrist of a girl and was saying "Come on, stop fighting me."

I quickly approached and grabbed the man's shoulder and said "Hey, I suggest you let her go."
The man turned to face me and with his free arm, pushed my shoulder. "Oh yeah?" he said "And what if I don't?"

"C'mon dude, don't make me do this." I said

He pushed my shoulder and in some dumb attempt to intimidate me, got in my face and said "Do what? Huh?"

I sighed and cursed my luck. I let go of his shoulder, and brought that hand into fist before punching him. I'm not the strongest, but since he thought I was gonna back off just because I let go, he lowered his guard and failed to brace himself. I hate hurting people, but I don't really think I have much of a choice in this situation. While reacting to it, he let go of the girl.

I turned to her and said "Hey, let's go."

We both quickly left, we ended up at the cafe I passed earlier. I wasn't entirely expecting her to follow me. I finally got a close look at the girl and saw that from her uniform I guess she was a middle schooler and she had short brown hair with pink eyes. She's cute, that's definitely the case.

"You alright?" I asked

"I'm alright." She said "Thanks for helping me."

I shrugged, "I couldn't just leave you in that situation."

I tried to talk a little bit but soon enough I remembered exactly why I went out: Mom realized she didn't have any eggs about halfway through making dinner, right when she needed them. And it's been thirty something odd minutes since I left the house. I'm going to get such an earful when I get home.

"Ah crap, sorry. I gotta go." I said before turning to go run to get eggs and get to the house. As I ran, I realized that I don't think I ever got that girl's name, it would've been nice if maybe I could've become friends with her or something.


"I remember now. So that was you huh?" I said "I'm Y/n L/n. It's nice to actually get to know you."
"I'm Kasumi Nakasu. It's nice to get to talk to you too L/n-senpai" she replied

I shrugged "There isn't really any need to call me L/n-senpai. Just call me Y/n, alright Kasumi?"

"Okay." Kasumi responded

"Cool. So were you going to go do something?" I asked.

Kasumi responded "Yeah, I was going to my club."

"Oh? What club is it?" I asked

"I'm in the idol club." Kasumi answered

"That's cool, I didn't even know we had one of those. But maybe I'm just imagining things, but when you said that, it seemed a little like you were concerned about something. Is something up?" I said

"You're surprisingly perceptive." Kasumi said "Well, the truth is that if we don't get ten members by the end of the month, the club is going to be disbanded."

"Ten members? I thought you only needed five for a club." I said.

Kasumi then explained to me about how there were five before, but for their separate reasons, they stopped coming, leaving her the only active member. How Takasaki from my class had joined as their manager and was helping her and how they had already gotten six members to join them.

I listened to her story silently and once she finished, I said "Well then, it sounds like you've got this in the bag. I haven't spoken to Takasaki much, but she seemed like somebody who's pretty reliable. Once you girls get things all figured out, tell me and I'll gladly come and cheer you on."

"Thanks. I'd love to have you come cheer me on." Kasumi said

We spoke a bit longer before my phone vibrated from a notification: it was my friends reminding me that we would be meeting up in a bit.

"Crap, sorry but I gotta go. It was nice talking to you." I said

"Alright, then I'll see you again sometime." Kasumi said

"See you then." I said before I turned to go. You know, I don't remember the whole situation from last year too well, but I do remember that I thought the girl was way cute. I hope I can talk to Kasumi again sometime.


A/n: Welcome to my new book! I hope you all will enjoy it. It's good to be writing about Nijigasaki since it's been 4 books since last time. Truth be told, I've been unsure about this title for a bit now, but even with hearing other people's thoughts, nothing has felt quite right so in the future, if a better name comes to me, I may change it. Also, I just spent thirty minutes trying to come up with a description because I honestly couldn't come up with anything and I'm still not a fan of what I came up with, so yeah, that may change too.

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