Chapter 8

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One Month Later...

I sat in the living room reading, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw it was my dad. "Hey, come help me take these boxes to the storage shed. We don't need these taking up space in the house." he said

I put the bookmark into my book and closed it. "Yeah alright." I responded. I picked up this book yesterday afternoon and I've been completely absorbed in it, not even bothering to look at my phone for too long. The story is an anthology of murder mysteries and the cases are all so intriguing and each aspect of the many stories were tragic, drawing my complete attention.

After I closed my book, I followed Dad to where he had pulled out a pile of several large boxes, the contents of each labeled. We began to grab the boxes and carry them to the shed one at a time. While some were moderately heavy, one in particular took both me and Dad to carry.

It took a while to carry them all, but when we were finally done, I stretched out my arms and decided to pull out my phone to check my texts before returning to my book. However, as I opened my phone, I found that Kasumi had been trying to get in contact with me and things started to dawn on me: Kasumi and I were going to go on a date today, we were going to see a movie and get something to eat together, and I was late.

Realizing how much I screwed up, I quickly got on my shoes as quickly as I could and ran out the front door, praying that Kasumi would still be at the meeting spot by the time I got there. I ran as fast as I could, gasping for air as I went, my feet slowly feeling heavier and heavier, and my lungs started to burn, but I couldn't stop now, not until I could get to her.

When I got to the station where we had been planning to meet up, I looked around desperately for any sign of Kasumi but in the end, as I had expected, she was nowhere in sight. I had ended up an hour late, and Kasumi had left. Like an inconsiderate idiot, I had forgotten about our date and she was long gone.


As I layed out on the open grass in Njigasaki's courtyard afterschool, I looked out to the sidewalks throughout it, watching the student's pass by. Although I sat in the same place as the day I ran into Kasumi, my mood was nowhere near as good as that day's and my thoughts were far less free. It's been a couple of days since I messed up and whenever I try to talk to Kasumi, she gives me the silent treatment, not talking to me or responding to any message I send her. As much as I wanted to talk to Kasumi and tell her how sorry I was, I don't know what to say and how to get her to listen to me and so I've been trying to come up with something, hoping that being by myself would help me. But as club activities ended and people needed to leave the school, nothing came to mind and with a sigh, I got up from where I had been laying and headed back onto the sidewalk, admittedly still partially lost in thought.

As I walked through the courtyard, I looked down at the brick path that went through the courtyard and as my mind was still elsewhere, I ended up bumping into someone.

I held my hand out and said "Sorry about that, I've just been really focused on other things so I guess that- Kasumi?" I had bumped into and knocked down Kasumi and with her right in front of me, if I can get her to listen to me, to let me apologize, then maybe we can return to how we were before my screw up, something I so very much want.

"Kasumi, I know that you're still mad at me, and I get it, I was an inconsiderate idiot that missed our date due to my tunnel vision. But I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm going to try to deal with my issues with my memory and the tunnel vision connected to it. I hope that you can forgive me." I said

Kasumi took my hand and I helped her up, she then said "Y/n, I've been mad at you for that, but since this is just the first time and you seem sorry, I'll let it slide just this once. I am, after all, your cute and forgiving girlfriend."

"I really am blessed." I said, "Especially to be with you."

"But first, what exactly did you end up focused on that made our date slip your mind?" Kasumi asked

"My family asked me to help with some stuff around the house and it ended up being my main focus so I could get it done quickly." I said, I'll just rescind the part where before I was asked to help my dad I had been absorbed in a book that had been my complete focus.

"And why didn't you check your phone?" Kasumi said

"I had put my phone down on the coffee table when I got up to help." I said

"Alright, I'll forgive you this once, but if this happens again, then I'm gonna be seriously mad at you." Kasumi said.

"It won't happen again, I promise." I said. And so, as club activities had ended, I walked Kasumi back home. As we walked home, we agreed to go on a date this weekend to make up for the one I had messed up and I began the process of trying to figure out a solution to my tunnel vision and the slippage of memories that comes with it.


A/n: Due to the idea that was the main idea in the process of planning this story, I needed to somewhere along the line, have some sort of drama. But due to my own personal problems with empathy, it hurts my soul to go too far with it, leading to this. Like I mentioned back in chapter 4, the guiding idea for where I wanted to take this story was to make it a story about relationships, what I didn't say was that the complete thought was for it to be a story about relationships and all they entail, the good and the bad.

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