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Never did Gusu Moliang expect that he would like a man, but ever since he met Bai Muyuan in the inn, he had already started to feel a little strange. The sight of the young man's beautiful watery eyes as they glared at him had been deeply imprinted into his mind, inexplicably impossible to forget.

And that's when he thought, his heart might have moved for a man.

In fact, he also understood very clearly that being the most outstanding offspring of the Gusu Family, it was his duty to start a family and have a son, making it impossible to be with a man. However, his feet couldn't help but gravitate towards Bai Muyuan's guest room subconsciously.

He lightly knocked twice on the door, afraid of disturbing the young man in the room. His own careful actions made even himself feel surprised.

Despite the fact that Gao Sui had told him that the young man was not as weak as he looked, he couldn't help but want to treat him more gently.

After not getting a response for a long time, Gusu Moliang felt it was a little strange and gave a few more knocks.

This time he caught the sound of the young man tinged with sleepiness, "Who is it?"

So it turns out that he has just fallen asleep and I disturbed his good rest? He immediately apologised, "Brother Bai, it's me, Gusu Moliang. Did I wake you up?"

The young man replied, his voice sounding nasally from sleepiness, "It's okay, I'm not feeling too well, is there a matter, Brother Gusu? Wu......."

Wu.........what did that mean? He noticed that the ending of the young man's sentence was a little strange, so he quickly questioned, "Brother Bai, what's the matter?"

The young man quickly replied, "I'm fine, it's just that I saw a cockroach."

Gusu Moliang frowned. This particular guest room had just been cleaned, how could there be cockroaches? He said, "Brother Bai, why don't I get someone to prepare another room.........."

The young man interrupted abruptly, "Brother Gusu, may I ask, what can I do for you?"

He heard the impatience in the other person voice and hurriedly rushed to explained, " It's not an urgent matter, I just wanted to ask you if there's anything you're short of. "

Sure enough. the tone behind the young man's word became warmer, " there's nothing i'm lacking, thank you for your hospitality" 

Then, Gusu Moliang continued, "I don't know if it's a convenient time for me to come in for a chat."

After a moment's silence, the young man replied, "It's convenient. Please come in, Brother Gusu."

Gusu Moliang pushed the door and entered, and what he saw was Fan Yuan lying on the bed, covered tightly with a quilt. His face was a little red, looking as if he was really unwell. Gusu Moliang asked in concern, "Brother Bai, have you caught a cold? I'll send for the physician right now. "

Fan Yuan's mouth curved down slightly in a frown. It was currently the warm spring season and he was covered tightly in a quilt, it would be weird if his complexion looked normal!

He shook his head, "There is no need to trouble yourself. As a martial artist, how can there be a need to see a physician when one gets a cold." Seeing that Gusu Moliang was about to urge him to see a physician again, he added, "If my condition worsens, I will ask Brother Xiao to prescribe some medicine for me."

Gusu Moliang suddenly realised, "Oh yes, I'm the silly one, Brother Xiao's medical skills are so many times better than those of the physicians outside. In fact, I asked him to come here to cure someone."

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