The hotel in hell

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We open to a black screen, then an eye opens which looks left to right then straight ahead. The eye then spirals and turns into a humanoid figure. That floats down in between two houses

Narrator: there was once a man who lived in a small village. The man was always looked down by his peers.

The houses then changed into two people that looked down at the figure with black eyes.

Narrator: there were many theories of why. But the most common one was that he was thought to have done satanic ritual...which was true

A michevous grin appears on the smaller figure. He then appears in a forest infront of a pentagram.

Narrator: the rumours happen to have been true. So to make all the mobbing and the insults stop, he found a ritual to summon an all powerful demon that can give him the power to silence them.

A horned figure comes out of the pentagram and takes the hand of the normal figure. Then a contract appears between the two with a signature.

Narrator: so a deal was formed....but he didn't read the fine print on when he'll get them...or to who.


We now open to a gleaming skylight of rich building with shining lights. But then we pan down to a down in the slump streets. Homeless people, hookers, people who are coming home late from long shifts. We then see a hood up teen walking down one of said streets. They lift the hood revealing yourself with headphones.

Your voice: yep that's me. Your probably wondering why were focused on a teen who's living in a dump looking like he gave up life, well not the case.

You walk up to a rundown apartment. You walk up to the door and look to the doorbells and swiped your arm on all of them making the door open up. You then go up the stairs.

You: okay bad example.

We then see a photo of you sixteen at age below you was a small girl with blond hair and pigtails

We then see a photo of you sixteen at age below you was a small girl with blond hair and pigtails

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