a new career

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You were stirring in bed until you woke up to the sound of guns and explosives, you look out the window and saw a blimp with guns mounted on it firing at buildings rockets and all and how is it flying is beyond you.

You were stirring in bed until you woke up to the sound of guns and explosives, you look out the window and saw a blimp with guns mounted on it firing at buildings rockets and all and how is it flying is beyond you

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You got out of bed, started to dress up, ran as fast as possible, going downstairs to the front door, stepped outside, Then hearing a voice that was yelling from the blimp.

???: *laughing* soon my machine will be unmatched and all of hell will be mine

You then see Angel Dust with a coffee mug, wearing a pink robe and was unhappy about this


angel dust: *groaned* she did this two days ago and this early in the morning.

you: who!

Then out of nowhere the blimp exploded and crashed. You rushed to it and saw two woman fighting. One was with black scales a fedora with an eye and a tail with many eyes.

The other one was a sinner with one eye with an x for a pupil and one boot ripped jeans and messy hair

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The other one was a sinner with one eye with an x for a pupil and one boot ripped jeans and messy hair

The other one was a sinner with one eye with an x for a pupil and one boot ripped jeans and messy hair

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M.P: damn you Cherri

C: what can I say gramma I love blowing up your toys

They then noticed both you and Angel, Cherri puts a hand up ignoring the Snake woman.

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