The robotic clown

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We open to you looking to Charlie in her office as she looks over a few papers.

Charlie: Now are you sure about this y/n.

You: I'm sure, I repurposed her, worked through her processors and changed a few features to she could clean and be an independent person.

Charlie I don't know about this, won't she be a weird combination of Angel and Niffty all rolled into one. And the fact she's property of my uncle Mammon, if he finds out he's gonna probably throw a fit

You: don't worry, i got everything figured out...except the Mammon part. We could say I found an old model and I restored it.

Charlie: I'm still not sure about her though.

You get up and walk over to her and bend down to her level.

You: have I ever caused trouble, have I ever steered you away.

Charlie: no and no.

You: then don't worry, I'll keep her under control when things get to much and when they do, we'll deactivate her and I'll reconfigure her.

Charlie gives you a smile which you rewarded with a kiss on the nose.

You: now I'm going ot get the roboimp of the hour, you try and organise something for her to do, maybe get Niffty to mentor her in cleaning, Husk in drinks your the boss.

You then make your way to the door and give her one last smile which Charlie smiles back to. You then leave making Charlie faulter a little.


You are going dosn stairs to the basement of the hotel where you left Fizzy. You open the door and was met with a view of a A sparkly Circus like room with ribbons, candy and balloons. You look around not noticing the robot slinking down form the ceiling with a grin.

Fizzy: hey y/n!

You twist around quickly, getting surprised by her sudden appearance.

You: hey fizz, love what you done with the room. Where did you get this?

Fizzy: well I had some ribbons and balloons on hand and the bed I ordered when you weren't looking.

You: bed?

Fizzy takes out a remote and presses a button a bed rises up from the floor and mood lighting turn on and smooth jazz play. You look to Fizz who walks up to you seductivel. she presses another button and four chains drop from the ceiling.

You: okay, maybe I should introduce you to my friends.

She then perks up excitedly, retracted the bed and chains and hugs you, wrapping her arms around you.

Fizzy: am I really going to meet your friends and boss 

You: yeah

You take her hand in yours and lead her out of the room basement, leading her up the stairs. You open the door to be surprised by Charlie holding a sign saying "welcome to the happy hotel" along side are Niffty, Angel Vaggie and Alastra

Charlie: welcome to the hotel!

Niffty: you must be Fizzy...

Niffty crawls over to Fizzy, climbs her and gets in her face.

Niffty: I like clowns, but stay away from my y/n.

Fizzy grabs her like a small dog and gives her a tight squeeze, then wrapped her arm around everyone else, giving them a squeeze but Alastra somehow telaports out of the grip.

Fizzy: you must be all of y/n's friends!

Vaggie: (groan) your a real tight hugger.

Angel: (groan) I've had rough s#x but this is a new level.

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