High school

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"So this is Acadia High, huh? Fancy." Quake said, quite amazed the amount of ground Acadia High has. Expecting something normal, he went inside... "It's even fancier inside! Sheesh, how much money does this school hold?" He questioned himself, totally puzzled.

Acadia High is one of the most prestigious schools in Rintis. Only few people out of the thousands of applications got in. Consider yourself royalty if you get recommended. Curricular activities and exam results are top priority!

"Ah! You must be Quake! I'm Solar. Recommended like you." Suddenly appearing in front of Quake, startling him. Solar held out his hand expecting a handshake.

Returning the handshake, Quake replied "Yes, that's me, nice meeting you Solar." Releasing their hands, they continued to walk side by side having a little chit chat to the registration counter.

"So Solar, what do you do?"

"Well, I read. That's typical. I also conduct experiments and... play the guitar." The last few words were a bit inaudible. Quake didn't mind tho, he heard it clearly.

"Names please." The clerk asked the boys half heartedly.

"Quake, Solar." Quake motioned towards himself and Solar.

"Solar, Class 1, Block A Dorm 3. Quake, Class 2, Block A Dorm 5." An unamused thanks came out of Solar's mouth. Quake guessed he sensed the vibe this clerk gave off, wanting to get over with the day as soon as possible. Not wanting to waste other students time, they moved out of the line.

Acadia high uses boarding school ways. Students are given dorms, shared with 2-3 people. A bed, study table and lockers are provided. Expect it to be a tiny bit fancy for a richly rich school.

"We're on the same floor. That's an advantage." Solar said, hoisting up his luggage up the stairs.

"Meet you for lunch?" Quake offered Solar. Solar replied with a 'ok' sign.


Solar opened the door to be greeted by a greenish attire boy.

"Hello fellow roommate. I'm Thorn." Smiling brightly as ever, Thorn waved to Solar.

"Solar." Closing the door behind him while answering

"Wait, you're one of the students that got recommended right? Oh My God, That's so cool!" Thorn blurted out, beaming with amazement that his dormmate is a recommended student.

"Yeah." Embarrassed, Solar looked around not wanting to make eye contact. He noticed plants on the table of Thorns study table. "You planted that?" Solar asked, pointing towards it.

"Huh? Oh yeah, i did. A few hours ago. Why? Is it bothering you?" Thorn internally panicked, he didn't want his roommate to be uncomfortable with him.

"No no. What's the name of it?" The plant looked familiar. Maybe from one of the books Solar read before.

"Oh that's Arizona Agave. My mother said to plant it in the room."

Solar was stunned for a minute-or two "Isn't that like, an endangered plant? It's amazing your mother got her hands on this."


"Hurry up Ice. I want to take a shower too." Knocking angrily on the bathroom door, his twin taking too long in the showers.

"Geez calm down Blaze, I'm almost done. Ice said coming out the shower few minutes after.

"Finally, now move." Blaze said, pushing Ice out of the way. Getting a playful 'ow' from his twin.

Ice sat down on his bed, grabbing his phone to play some tunes singing along to it to reduce his boredom


Faint sound of music was heard outside the dorm next to Quake's. As he got closer towards the door, he heard singing 'that's some angelic voice' Quake monologued. Arriving at the front of his dorm, Quake-being a gentleman he is-knocked on the door. The person inside opened the door.

"Yes? Do you need something?" A yellow attired asked opening half of the door

"Who's that Thunder? Is he our dormmate?" Opening the other half of the door, a dark blue attired boy showed up. "Wait... Quake?!" Quake awkwardly waved when he saw Cyclone.

"You two know each other?" Thunder quirked an eyebrow to Quake.

Quake replied "Technically, yes. Cyclone and I used to be classmates in middle school and I'm dormmates with you both."

Cyclone and Thunder make way for Quake to come in. "Then, what are you waiting for come in Quake." Cyclone happily said.

'Attention new students of Acadia High, you are required to attend a briefing in the school hall after lunch. Thank you.' The speaker announced

Quake settled down on his bed. Hoping this year he would be accepted better.

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