Investigate pt. 2

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The boys continued their practice normally after Tengkotak left. As soon as practice is over, they split up to look for more clues. Cyclone and Thorn went to ask the band Cyclone saw suspicious meanwhile Thunder and Solar went back to room 206 to be on lookout. Blaze, Ice and Quake kept their music instruments.


"Hey, umm... sorry to interrupt but you guys seem pretty tired. Are you guys okay?" Cyclone asked one of the members.

"Huh? O-oh yeah.. we're fine, just... lack of sleep. That's all." One of them said, yawning afterwards.

'Lack of sleep? Really? You think I'll buy that?' Cyclone monologued, unamused of their answer.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something?" Thorn said, looking at them directly in the eyes.

"Y-yeah, what is it?"

"Has the blue hair dude been acting... suspicious?" Thorn said, making them feel agitated.

"N-no he hasn't." The buff one said, stuterring a bit.

"Bummer. Well, we'll get going now. Oh, and please tell us if he acts off." Cyclone said more like a whisper. Thorn and Cyclone walked towards the twins and Quake.

"Any luck?" Quake asked, earning a sigh from the two.

"No. But I'm positive they're hiding something. Maybe it's cause they need to. I don't know..." Cyclone said a bit downhearted.

"It's okay Cyclone. At least you tried!" Blaze said patting Cyclone's back, encouraging him a little.

"Let's just hope those two found anything." Ice said, sitting down on the floor.


"Found anything Thunder?" Solar said, turning his head around to Thunder who gave him a shook.

"Nope." Thunder said, walking towards the door ready to leave. "Let's go, Sol. I doubt we will find anything." Solar sighed, standing from his kneeling position. Both of them exited the room, closing the door.

"Wait, what's that?" Solar said, pointing at the door. Solar took a closer look at it, examining it carefully. "Looks like a handprint... that's dusted with smoke." Tilting his head to the side, confused.

"It probably has someone's DNA in it. Take it and test it out in the lab." Thunder said, going out of sight. Solar turned his head around, to find thunder back-with some tape. "Here use this to get a sample." Handing over the tape.

Ripping some of it off, Solar sticked it onto the print, taking it off afterwards. "Okay, let's go now." Solar walked off, Thunder tailing closely behind, into a nearby lab.

Solar began to analyse the print, looking into it in a loupe. Tracing every single detail on a piece of paper. Thunder sat beside Solar, eyeing him from time to time. Grabbing a laptop nearby, Thunder typed in some things. "You know what? I'll just casually hack the school's database." making Solar chuckle.

After what seemed like hours, Solar finally finished tracing the print. Stretching his muscles, Solar turned over to Thunder. "Found anything?" Thunder acknowledged Solar's call with a nod.

"Yeah. I managed to hack into the database and searched for a few things." Thunder said, turning the laptop over to Solar. "As you can see here, I checked who came inside the school for the past few days with gray hair." Thunder clicked on the profile, enlarging the picture. "And there is only one person with that hair colour." The screen displayed a name and picture.

"Retakka?" Solar read the name out loud. "We can't confirm that he did this....unless..." With that, Solar was out of Thunder's sight. Thunder shrugged his shoulders, eyes averting towards the screen again. Thunder read every single detail provided about this Retakka guy.

"I'm back." Appearing in front of Thunder, slamming his hands on the table.

"So what were the results?" Thunder said, making Solar tilt his head. "What? You think I didn't know where you disappeared?" Thunder quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Solar said, in denial. "So yes, apparently this Retakka guy is the guy we're looking for." Solar swayed a paper document in front of Thunder.

"Great. Now our work is done." The two boys walked out of the room, searching the rest of their teammates.


"Nice work you two." Quake said, ruffling Thunder's and Solar's hair.

"Thanks.. i guess.." Thunder replied, lifting Quake's hand from his hair.

"So it says here that this dude can suck energy from humans until the drop dead?!" Blaze said, shocked. "It was nice of him to at least spare us life."

"And the guys in his team." Cyclone continued Blaze's sentence.

"We should tell Tengkotak about this." Thorn said, whipping out his phone. 'I should tell Rarity about this too.' Thorn monologued, sending text messages to Tengkotak and Rarity.

'Attention to the Annual Band Competition participants, this is a quick announcement. The competition starts at 8 am tomorrow. Please be on time'. The speaker announced. The boys smirked in amusement. 'Let's show them our all.' The boys monologued themselves, head up high.

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