Something big

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A month has passed since the Annual Band Competition. The bond between the boys with Retakka and Tengkotak was still the same, in fact even better. They text among themselves quite often, wether it's during lunch or even the weekends. They meet up too, when they have the time.

It is another typical weekend. A boring one. The boys are at the cafe to cut of some boredom.

"Don't we have anything to do? This boredom is eating me alive!" Blaze whined, sliding off the seat.

"We could always go to the park." Thorn suggested.

"We're teenagers Thorn. It would be weird if we played at the playground." Solar declined.

"I know we could go skateboarding!" Cyclone said, slamming the table. People in the cafe turned their heads to the noise. Cyclone embarrassedly covered his face with Quake's shoulders. Quake chuckled, glancing at Cyclone.

"You good, Cy?" Thunder asked, holding his laughter in.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." Cyclone said, snuggling closer to Quake.

"Cyclone's idea is nice but would the school allow us to skate inside the school?" Quake asked.

"Don't be such a goody two shoes Quake. It's not like the teachers are at school during the weekends." Blaze assured.

"You know there are certain teachers who live inside the school and also the wardens who are in the dormitory office. Not to mention the cctv's." Ice fired back with facts.

"Then what should we do?" Solar asked, sipping his americano.

"We sleep." Ice said, resting his head on the table.

"You know what? Let's just cancel no practice day and go practice." Thunder said, standing up to throw away his coffee cup.

"Great idea, Thunder! Let's go." Thorn said.


The boys have been practicing for an hour or so now. They decided to have a half an hour break. Cyclone reached out for a bottle of water to aid his sore throat.

"Genuine question." Heads turned over to Quake. "Are we ever going to record songs? Like our own ones."

"I was thinking about it too. Not sure though, would we guys?" Ice said, asking the same question again.

"I say we do it." Thunder encouraged.

"If I remember correctly, there's a portable recorder in the old room." Solar said, setting his guitar down. "Let's go search for it, Ice." Dragging Ice out of his sitting position.

"What? Why me? Bring Cyclone." Ice grunted out of Solar's grasp.

"Because you have an observant eye. Now come on." Ice sighed in defeat, following Solar from behind.


"We're back." Ice said, holding a portable recorder in his hands.

"Why do you have a camera recorder with you Solar?" Thorn asked.

"Might as well start a YouTube channel for posting our songs, don't you think?" Solar stated.

"We can post things like our covers too right?!!" Blaze said excitedly.

"Yes Blaze. We can." Solar said placing the camera on the mini table.

"What are we waiting for? Let's do it!" Cyclone exclaimed, as excited as Blaze.

"Be patient can you? We have to open the channel first than we can do videos." Thunder said, annoyedly.

Quake took out laptop from his bag, and turned it on. The boys surrounded Quake, curiously. After a few clicks and clacks the account was set.

"Now we just have to make the banner." Quake said, moving away from the screen. "For this, I suggest we take pictures of ourselves."

And the war began. Camera shutters here and there, each with the same motive, to take the worst picture of someone else.

Anger fumed in Quake's veins. "We take the pictures nicely." A murderous aura surrounded the boys, halting their actions.

After a few minutes of taking pictures and editing them together. Quake edited the account adding in the banner.

"It's so cool!" Thorn said, amazed.

"It's so cool!" Thorn said, amazed

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"I can agree." Ice said, taking out his phone secretly. "Hey Sol,"

"What is it Ice-" A camera shutter was heard from Ice's phone,followed by Ice's snicker. "Did you just- oh it's on polar bear!" Solar said, instantly taking his phone out to join in the war.

Soon everyone joined-except for Quake- joined in. With that, the war continues. One bad picture after another, filing up their galleries. Some even managed to exchange the pictures during the war.

"You guys can seriously give me a headache." Quake said, sighing. The boys tired themselves out took a breather for a while.

"Why don't you join us Quake? It's fun." Thorn said, panting.

"Nah, it's not my cup of tea." Quake said. "That's enough play time, let's go eat lunch now." Shooing the boys out of the practice room.

The boys scurried along the hallways wanting to be first in line for the meat served today.

Quake took his phone out, smirking to himself. 'Bold of you to assume I don't have ugly pictures of you all,'

"Quake! Could you hurry up! We're trying to get lots of meat here!" The boys called out.

"Coming!" Quake fastened his steps.

"What were you even looking at in your phone?" Thunder asked.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Quake smiled.

Megaelectric (BBB Elementals; band au)Where stories live. Discover now