Celestial Forest

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"Okay everyone! We're here!" The students cheered around happily. "We're gong to hike up there. Now everyone get off, pick up your bags and wait beside the bus." Their supervisor, Miss Rosalyn, ordered.

After all the students got off, they started to hike up. Took them awhile but they reached the top.

"We..huh..finally...arrieved...huhh" Blaze sprawled on the ground, gasping for air.

"It wasn't that far, Blaze." Thorn giggled, Quake beside Thorn just shook his head.

"Easy for you to say, you love nature." Blaze whined, getting up anyway.

"Yeah, at least you don't have to carry someone." The three turned around to witness Thunder carrying Ice on his back. Solar and Cyclone who was close behind them, was laughing crazily.

"Okay students! I already checked in, so let's go to our rooms." Miss Rosalyn started to walk. The thing is, she is not going inside the lobby.

"Miss Rosalyn! Why are we not going inside the lobby?" A student asked.

"Oh silly me. I forgot to tell you guys we're not sleeping in a luxurious hotel, we're actually camping." The students mouth went agape. "Don't worry, breakfast, lunch and dinner is still in the hotel."


When they arrived at the camping spot, they were speechless. The site includes a river, a flying fox and many more activities that are imaginable.

"I guess camping isn't too bad." Solar said. The others agreeing to him.

"You guys are going to sleep in the cabin. All of you can fit. The toilets are over there. You guys are free to do whatever you want just don't get lost. Gather here at 6 for dinner. Dismissed." Miss Rosalyn briefed and went off to her cabin.

"Let's put our stuff in the cabin first." Quake said walking towards the cabin.

"I want a bed under the fan!" Blaze said running, Thorn and Cyclone ran closely behind. Ice and Thunder just sighed, squeezing thier nose bridges.

"What's wrong Solar?" Quake asked a wide eye Solar.

"There's no reception!" Solar was panicking. How was he going to upload pictures in his Instagram.

"Of course there isn't, dummy. This is a forest. Thunder deadpanned. "I have 4G. Now calm down and let's go." Ice said.

"Your a life saver Ice!" Solar clinged onto Ice. Ice wiggled himself out of Solar's grasp. "Yeah, yeah. Now come on."


"The fan won't work." Blaze had been trying to switch on the fan but it won't budge. Students whined on how hot it was.

"Can't someone fix it. It's hot!" A student said, fanning himself with his clothes.

"Maybe it's a blackout. Just live without it for a while." Quake said, taking out a hand fan from his bag. Unlike them, Quake came prepared. "Just go do some activities instead." The students complied, walking out soggily. The gang stayed inside for a while

"Let's just take a walk around. I'm a bit too lazy to do anything." Solar said.

"Hold up, let me fix this." Thunder said opening the generator. "Try switching it on." Thunder said looking away from the generator. Thorn switched on the fan and it began too spin around.

"Wow Thunder, didn't expect you to be good in electrical." Cyclone said, looking at the spinning fan.

"It's nothing...the wire was misplaced. That's all."


"This place is actually a bit run down isn't it." Blaze said, coming out the toilet, ice beside him.

"What happened Blaze?" Quake asked. He saw Ice walk out of the group a few minutes after Blaze went to meet mother nature.

"Could you believe there wasn't any water in there?!" Blaze shrieked.

"Yeah...and I had to help him get some water." Ice glared at his twin.

"This isn't going to be a fun vacation." Solar said, sighing. "You know what? Let's save this place." Solar suggested.

"And how is that?" Thorn quirked an eyebrow.

"By using our powers subtly. It is a bit risky tho." Solar whispered to his group.

"Rather than letting this place look run down, I think we can manage." Cyclone agreed.

"Alright! Operation: save the camp site, start!" Thunder held in a laugh hearing Solar say that. The rest just looked at Solar weirdly. 'Great. Now you just embarrassed yourself in front of them. Nice work Solar.'

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