Surprising accident

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"Rise and shine you sleepyheads!" Blaze shouted in the room, opening the curtains letting the light of dawn shine through. "It's competition day!" The rest stirred in their sleep, squinting their eyes as light emitted through.

"It's still early Blaze..." Ice said pulling the covers over his sleepy state. "Five more minutes please..."

"That's why we have to wake up early and practice as much as we can before the competition." Blaze said yanking the covers away from Ice and pulling him up to sit, only for Ice to fall back down.

"This is the first time I ever heard you say something rational." Solar said getting out of bed going inside the showers.

"Does he expect that lowly of me?" Blaze huffed. A pat on the back was given by Quake, all dressed up ready to start the day.

"Get up already you sleepyhead! We only have another hour before we have to be in the hall." A pillow passed through Blaze and Quake, startling them, hitting Ice right in the face.

"Bullseye!" Cyclone said, high-fiving Thunder from the upper bunk.

"Fine, fine, I'm awake. Happy now?" Ice said, throwing the pillow back to Thunder.

Quake sighed, shaking his head. "Let's just hurry before 8 o'clock. We have a big day today."


"I see you all are hyped up as I am! That's great!" Mr. San said getting a wave of cheers from the participants. "We'll get started as soon as I explain these rules! But before that, band leaders please come onto the stage."

With that, all band leaders stood on the stage not knowing why. "So you twelve will choose numbers in this box. The number you get will determine your turn." All the leaders took turns, snuggling into the box, taking out a piece of paper.

Cyclone, Blaze and Thorn tried to gain Quake's attention by waving their hands and calling out his name inaudibly. Quake noticed them and bobbed his head slightly to the back. 'What number are we?' Cyclone mouthed while Thorn was doing some weird handsigns and Blaze pointed to the paper in Quake's hand. As if Quake understood what they were asking he gestured a number using his fingers.

"Ninth place huh? Not as bad as I thought." Solar said as Quake sat down.

"Alright now that you have your turns, I'll start with the rules..." Mr. San said, reading out the listed rules in a paper. "First of all, no special effects are allowed. Number two, you all will be judged based on vocal technique, performance and show design. No autotune is allowed. We'll also take points for how loud the applause is. Rule number three and last is to have fun and enjoy!" Mr. San launched the papers in the air indicating that the rules were done. "Let's get this competition started!!" Participants cheered excitedly, a bunch of 'woos' audible throughout the hall.


"And now we present the ninth group for today. Please welcome, Megaelectric!" One of the judges said, welcoming Megaelectric onto the stage.

The seven boys were nervously exited. All of them went onto the stage, deep breaths. They readied at their positions, calming down before Cyclone nodded to Thunder, indicating he was ready. Thunder started to strum the electric guitar followed by Blaze's drums while Quake and Solar backed Thunder up with their guitars. Ice and Solar added in the symphony and Cyclone began to sing.

(Please play the video up top for better experience :D)

'This can't be happening! They're better than me!' Monologued Retakka, unhappy. 'I've got to make sure I am the one who wins this competition!' Retakka said, as he sucked in the energy of people around him.

The boys ended their performance with ease. Breathing heavily, smiling as they succeeded in making the crowd swoon over their performance. They bowed to the judges, as a form of gratitude. Exiting the stage and sat down on their chairs.

"We were so cool!" Thorn exclaimed his happiness. Blaze, who chugged down a bottle of water, nodded along radiating the same energy as Thorn was.

"The performance was a blast!" Blaze said, putting the lid back on the bottle.

"The ones over there could you quiet down?! We're trying to continue." One of the judges shouted. The boys just sat there speechless.

"Sorry, i guess." Cyclone muttered under his breath. Blaze and Thorn snickered.

"You guys can start now." The judge turned back towards the band on the stage, smiling.

'I've got to make sure I win!' Retakka said to himself. Starting their performance. Retakka was sucking in energy as much as he can to make his voice stable. His voice kept on cracking, a result to his stress of thinking.

'This isn't enough. I've got to take more. To win this.' Retakka said, overwhelming himself, on the verge of tears. He sucked in more and more energy until,

He overdid it. He lost control of himself.

Megaelectric (BBB Elementals; band au)Where stories live. Discover now