Thorn's keytar

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"Huh? What's this?" Thorn said picking up something he stepped on. "A letter?" Confused, he went to Quake.

"Hey Quake. Can you take a look at this. I stepped on it at the door." Handing over the letter to Quake. Quake unfolded the letter swiftly, reading it's content.

"Someone wants to challenge us. Not sure who tho. It just said to go to room 206 at 8 p.m tomorrow." Quake said, gaining attention from Blaze.

"A challenge?! This is going to be fun!" Blaze shook Cyclone, who was playing games on his phone.

"Blaze! You made me lose!" Lying down forcefully, Cyclone groaned. "Already? It hasn't even been a day." Cyclone said.

The door opened revealing Solar and Thunder. They just finished eating their breakfast.

"Took you both long enough." Ice said, getting up from his lying position.

"Wasn't our fault the line was long. What's that?" Thunder said pointing towards the piece of paper Quake was holding.

"Someone challenged us. Tomorrow, 8 p.m, room 206." Quake shortened the explanation.

"Ah, okay. Let's go to the hall now. They're going to start soon." Solar said. The gang walked out of their room to the hall.


"Guys," Thorn called out. "Can I go practice with Mr. San? I really need to learn something."

"Yeah, sure Thorn. Go ahead, we are done with our group practice anyways." Quake said, allowing Thorn. Thorn said his thanks and went to find Mr. San

Along the way there, he got a lot of hate remarks for playing a keytar. Saying things like 'it isn't fit to be in a band'. He didn't acknowledge it (he definitely did). He looked down, trying not to let his tears fall. It did help though it did result him to bump into someone.

"Watch where your going dude!" The person said, furious that his freshly brewed coffee spilt all over his jacket.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean too!" Thorn said, bowing down apologising.

"Ugh, these were designers!" Throwing away his leftover coffee to the floor. This guy is going to add fuel to the fire, he couldn't just let Thorn go after ruining his designers. Spotting the keytar on Thorn's back, the guy knew what he had to do.

"You play the keytar?" The guy said, yanking it off Thorn's shoulders. "Don't you think that there's no function in you playing it? It doesn't even add anything. No rhythm, no beat, nothing. I bet deep down your teammates think you are a disturbance in the band." That's when Thorn's heart shattered, negative thought filling his head.

"But, you know, since I'm nice and all I'll help you. Thorn's head shot up, eyes shining.

"Really?! You will!" Thorn's expression changed, smiling widely.

"Yeah. By doing this." The guy threw the keytar back, ready to smash it into pieces. Thorn's eyes widen. As the guy was about to smash it his body was tied with a crystal-like rope.

"Now darling, I don't think that's how you teach someone how to play." A girl came out from the corner, walking towards them. "I'll be taking this." She took the keytar from the guy's hands, handing it over to it's rightful owner, Thorn.

Snapping her fingers, making the crystal rope vanish. Thorn's eyes widen, 'she has powers too?' He thought, looking at the girl. "T-thanks for helping me." Thorn said, smiling.

"It's no problem darling." She said. "I must say that I'm very sorry for eavesdropping."

"No no it's okay. You did save my keytar!" Thorn said, grateful for her eavesdropping. "I'm Thorn by the way."

"Rarity." She introduced herself.

"Say Rarity... I have a question."

"And what is that?"

"The crystal-like rope. Was it your doing?" Thorn asked, a bit more like a whisper.

"Yes it is. Why? Do you have something like it too?" Rarity asked. Thorn sweat dropped.

"N-no, I don't." Thorn said, looking down. If only he could tell.

"Aw bummer." Rarity said, frowning a bit. "Anyway I need to go now. See you around, darling." Rarity walked away but stopped mid-way.

"You know Thorn, you should learn to embrace the magic. Oh and I play a keytar too." Rarity said, looking back smiling before walking off completely.

'Embrace the magic? What does she mean by that?' Thorn said, giving it a thought. 'Wait...does she know?! But how?!' Rarity knew Thorn had powers cause the crystal rope could only be seen by people with magic.

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