The Widows

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The air was fogged and the smell of burnt debris filled the air. "Yelena! Where are you!?" Natasha clutched her side as she stumbled across fallen waste in the hope she'd find her sister. She had to be ok. They hadn't come this far for it to end like this.

Her heart rate quickened as she caught a glimpse of a white suit to her right. She hurried over and planted her hands at the side of her sister's head. Yelena's eyes twitched slightly and gradually opened to see her sister looking down at her. "We are both upside down." She smirked to which Natasha broke into a small laugh at her sister's casualness.

Yelena went to sit up before her head spun suddenly. Natasha steadied her sister, "easy... that was quite an explosion up there." She held onto her shoulders whilst Yelena took a deep breath. She gradually turned to face her sister. Natasha looked bloodied and bruised yet still the most beautifully, powerful person Yelena had ever known. Growing up her big sister meant everything to her. "It was real for me too y'know." Natasha's eyes pricked with tears as she looked into her little sister's face. "And I should've come back for you, I should've come back."

"No, no stop that. You did come back" Yelena moved closer as their foreheads leant against one another. She wiped a stray tear away from Natasha's cheek and smirked. They had both been through hell, yet still, love and hope is what had always pulled them out.

Natasha, for once, wasn't afraid to show a softer side as she pulled Yelena closer into an embrace. "I love you little sister. Pozhaluysta, prosti menya (Please forgive me)."

They gripped the other tight, making up for lost time. Yelena's squeeze was all that was needed in response. The moment was too short, however, and was interrupted by the rumble of engines fast approaching. They pulled a part and caught a glimpse of about a dozen trucks speeding forwards in the distance. Natasha pulled Yelena up to her feet and steadied her as she swayed slightly. "You ok?"

Yelena took a deep breath "Never better sis." She blinked quickly, regaining her composure as two familiar faces shuffled towards them. Alexei, still in his full Red Guardian suit, clutched Melina close. She winced as they moved towards the two girls.

"Everyone good?" Natasha asked homouring the older pair.

"As you can see I'm a little injured." Melina announced in her thick russian accent. The others smirked, with nobody quite believing the company they were in after so many years apart.

"You guys go. This one's not your fight, I've got this." Natasha turned towards the oncoming vehicles ahead.

The others frowned in response. "Are you kidding me? No." Yelena scoffed.

Alexei moved forward, pushing his helmet down further, "We fight with you!" Melina frowned in response not wanting to leave Natasha behind.

"Seriously! It's fine please. I mean Melina can't fight, let alone run, like that anyway." Natasha pointed out.

"Well thank you for your confidence." Melina raised her eyebrows.

"-you guys go and take care of yourselves. Oh... and let's not leave it too long before our next reunion." She smirked at the other's who seemed to have accepted the Widow's suggestion. Besides, they knew Natasha would always get her own way in the end. There wasn't much time to argue with the rumble of cars getting louder.

"Well if you insist, it's not like you can't take care of yourself these days anyway." Alexei smiled proudly at the girl he once helped to raise.

Yelena started to take off her jacket, "If you're not going to let me join you, you have to at least let me give you my jacket. I know how much you love it." She started to put it round her sister who smiled gratefully.

"It does have a lot of handy pockets-"

"So many pockets!!" Yelena beamed. "...Seriously though, you know where to find me."

"I'll find you. And thank you for the jacket it's definitely going to come in handy." Nat pulled her sister in for a hug one last time before turning away and breaking into a run.

Yelena looked on. Natasha reached a tree in the forest and leaped up onto a branch with a hair flick. "Such a poser." She rolled her eyes and joined the other's onto the aircraft.

By the time men started to pour from their cars, Nat was already highly immersed in a tree where she would watch on as they struggled to find her.

Yelena took a seat with a sigh. She was exhausted, but nevertheless was already plotting her next few moves in her head. These two are never really a part for as long as they think.

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