Old Friends

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Natasha, a million emotions running through her at the sight of Steve suddenly remembered her sister's condition as she clutched her in her arms. "Please help my sister! I don't think she's breathing. Please Steve, please I can't lose her!"

Immediately Steve took Yelena from Nat and rushed out of the still burning building. Natasha ran as fast as she could to keep up. Her whole body screamed in pain but she shrugged it off and focused on the task at hand. Getting her sister back.

They escaped the flames, choking from the smoke and squinting at the daylight around them. Steve had a QuinJet landed outside. He was grateful the area was so unpopulated otherwise it would've caught quite a few people's attention.

They climbed in and immediately placed Yelena on a gurney. Steve ripped open her shirt and placed a heartrate monitor on her. "It's going to be ok, she's still with us. Her pulse is weak yet strong - like her sister." Steve squeezed Nat's hand for support. It was only brief but Natasha couldn't understand why it made her stomach flip and her heart flutter. Maybe it was just the feeling of being with an old friend. She didn't quite know.

Steve placed an oxygen mask gently over Yelena's face and injected her with adrenaline. Natasha grabbed supplies from the shelf and packed the wound until the bleeding stopped completely. The pair worked in silence until Yelena was in a stable condition. Her wound was stitched and bandaged once again and her heartrate was stable.

The pair left her to rest and headed to the cockpit to get out of this darn country. "I have million questions."

"I do too." Steve smiled in response. "Shall we get out of here first?" Natasha nodded, strapped in and finally let herself shut her eyes feeling safe in the presence of Steve.

Capt smiled. His heart felt full finally being back with her and he thanked his lucky stars that the signal from Natasha's hotel room had gotten through after all. The engine started and the aircraft lifted.

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