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The ground vibrated slightly beneath her. It wasn't enough for everyone to notice, but Natasha felt it and knew in her gut it had something to do with her sister. She entered the room where the man had just got into a lift. The room appeared to be a regular office, but with an elevator shaft inside. Nat entered.

Yelena left the room and took on the guards outside. They were just about to enter as they heard the blast, but Yelena caught them when they weren't expecting it. She threw her fist into the first man's face breaking his nose. A thick pair of arms grabbed her from behind, but she spun out of his grip and performed a kick into his skull. The man stumbled back. Whilst he was dazed, she grabbed the tazer from his belt and turned to use it on the other one who was just about to retaliate. Instead, he was zapped to the ground and Yelena moved on down the hall.

"Ok who's next." She approached the guard running towards her and jumped into the air, hooking her legs around his neck and twisting him to the floor. This one got up quicker though and reached straight for his gun. Yelena flew out a leg to deflect the weapon before it fired. It was too late though the trigger was already pulled.

Natasha looked around the elevator. There were only options to go up but she knew there had to be some kind of basement below her. That was her gut feeling that Yelena was down there, and her gut never usually let her down. She couldn't believe she was doing this right now but she pulled out her phone and dialled Tony's number. Her brain was smart but not smart enough to figure it out in this short space of time. She wasn't expecting an answer, but it was worth a shot. As it rang, a man entered the lift. Natasha smiled at the man's shock at seeing someone unauthorised in here. "I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do." She spun and kicked him straight in the jaw. The man stumbled and attempted to swing back at her. Natasha grabbed his wrist and twisted him into knots. She then threw him out of the elevator and shut the door. "Truly, I am sorry."

"Nat? Natasha? Nat, are you there?" To the widow's disbelief the call had gone through and her old friend Tony Stark's bored voice could be heard on the other line.

She re-composed herself. "Tony, hi, how are you? Hope Pepper's good and everything. Listen, just quickly i know you're still pissed at me for letting Steve go and everything, but if you could forget that for 30 seconds and tell me how to hack into an elevator that would be great."

Tony sighed on the other end. "You know I can track this call and send it to the authorities if I wanted to."

She tilted her head against the phone. "Really Tony? Right now I've got bigger fish to fry anyway. Could you please just help me?"

"Alright.... Fine. But only because I'm bored right now Romanoff. Go to the control panel and you need to use something to screw it open." Natasha used a key to twist the screws and then she was faced a load of electrics in front of her. She explained to Tony she needed to go down, but there wasn't a button for it. "Ok. I don't even want to know what you're up to, but if that's what you want to do.... There should be an orange lever, it's quite small. NOT THE RED ONE, YOU'LL SHUT DOWN THE SYSTEM!"

"Ok, ok, Jesus Tony. My ear is ringing! Alright orange lever going down." The elevator jolted and then suddenly it began to move down. "Yes. It's working. Thank you Tony. Speak soon."

"Wow, ok so get what you want and see you later. I see how it is. Good luck Romanoff." He'd put the phone down before Nat had a chance to respond. She smirked though and was grateful for his help. The elevator came to a stop and she entered a hall filled with noise, smoke and a lot of guards.

Yelena was relieved to see the bullet had missed and her boot had deflected the gun just in time. The guy was going to pay for his mistake. She launched herself at him, beating him until he was knocked out. Before she had a chance to get up, yet another set of arms grabbed her and threw her across into the wall. "Ow man that was rude." She winced with a hand on her back. She then defended herself against the guy who started attacking her.

Natasha used her wire to hook around a guard's neck from behind, choking him until he passed out. She then used her momentum to bounce off the wall and fly kick into another oncoming enemy. She jogged on, turning a corner. Another gunshot and Natasha's heart sank. She needed to find her sister. Someone had just launched a smoke bomb down this corridor making her surroundings thick with black smoke. Her eyes stung and she breathed into her sleeve. She stayed close against the wall and shuffled, listening to the sound of punches being thrown very close to her. A body fell back into her and instinctively she fought back, getting the person in a head lock.

They fought back, however, and were good too. Natasha was thrown over the person's shoulders and crashed hard into the ground. She bounced back up, throwing punches at the silhouette. The enemy seemed to be injured already, making it easier for Natasha but she was still very fast. A taser was pressed into Natasha's side and she fell backwards, shaken. She cursed in anger, throwing herself forwards. Judging by the build of this person, Natasha assumed she was a woman. The girl winced in pain as they crashed to the ground. Natasha had her down, but this woman was strong and wriggled out by winding Natasha in the stomach with an elbow. Bent over breathless, the smoke began to clear up and she was able to make out blonde hair. Then the girl turned her head and Natasha cursed herself. "You idiot." She said to herself. Her sister stared back at her.

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