Eye's everywhere

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Natasha's POV

It all happened so fast. Too fast for even me to react in time. I instinctively moved to take cover as soon as the bullet left it's weapon, but I wasn't fast enough.

I checked myself over. I was fine. Apart from the slight ring in my ears. I think I'm fine or maybe the adrenaline is playing tricks on me once again.

Behind the counter, the old woman was no longer standing. The bloodshed had come from her and she lay wounded, blood seeping from her chest. Natasha moved over to her and pushed down hard on the wound. "Stay with me." She applied as much pressure as possible. The woman's breathing was shallow and Natasha knew there wouldn't be much she could do. "Who put you up to this!?" No response. "Please! I know this isn't you! I can help you, I promise."

The woman tried to talk, her lips quivering. It wasn't enough though. A final sharp breath was taken and Natasha watched as the life left her body. A single tear fell down her cheek. She had seen so much death in her life and still she wasn't numb to it yet.

"I'm sorry." Natasha turned slowly. Yelena stood over her. "I had to do something."

"What are you doing here!? You shouldn't be here!" Natasha was angry and shocked to see her sister here. "And I had it covered, she was just an innocent civilian forced into doing something by somebody else! She didn't deserve to die!" She stood up and faced Yelena who frowned.

"I didn't know! All I saw was a gun pointed at you! What was I supposed to do?" It was only a few hours ago that they were holding eachother in an embrace which could've been their last.

"Oh please! Just go back. I'll sort this myself." Natasha grabbed the cloth that covered the counter and gently placed it over the woman's body. She then grabbed some supplies and headed for the exit.

"Wow. OK, just sulk off why don't you." Yelena rolled her eyes and followed her sister out the back.

Natasha moved quickly and assessed her surroundings in more detail this time. Still as quiet as it was when she entered, but she knew not to fall for it this time. She kept low and felt Yelena's presence following behind her. "Natasha slow down!" She hissed.

"Shut up." Natasha found a brown Austin Allegro motor parked on the street. She quickly looked around and checked to see if it was locked. To her surprise, the door opened with a harsh screech. She climbed in and pulled the wires out from the pedals, attempting to hotwire the car.

"Let me help." Yelena had helped herself to a seat next to her.

"Why are you even still here?" Natasha felt a spark and suddenly the engine rumbled to a start. "Yes."

Yelena felt for the belt,"Ok, well I'm definitely going to buckle up this time.... ah perfect there isn't one!" She huffed and held onto the door as Natasha sped away.

A car appeared behind them. A black SUV which is never good. Natasha turned to her sister, "Looks like we've got company." She pressed her foot down hard onto the accelerater as they joined the highway.

"Ah shit. Is it too much to ask for a little peace and quiet once in a while." Yelena sighed. Bullets began to fly from the car and cut into the brown boot. "Wonderful. Ok you got a plan this time? Or shall i just stay, duck and cover again?"

Natasha salomed the car in an attempt to avoid getting hit by the bullets. She pulled off the road and onto a smaller street. "My plan was to drive us away."

"Ah well haven't we heard that one before!" Yelena grabbed the wheel so that both vehicles faced each other. She then pulled out her gun.

"Yelena what are you doing?!" Natasha had an idea of her sister's plan and she didn't like it one bit. "There has to be a better way then this!" She instinctively grabbed her sister's wrist.

Yelena looked down at Natasha's hand then up at her. "It's ok." Was all she said before reaching out of the window and firing directly at the SUV. She had to get half her torso out of the window in order for this to work, making her a bigger target. Bullets returned her way which she managed to dodge. 3 shots was all it took. One. She hit the front left tyre perfectly. Two. The right hand tyre. And three. Pain seered at her side. Yelena winced in pain. The third bullet hit the man through the windshield and in the head.

The car in front spun off and into a nearby building resulting in a huge explosion. Natasha drove away and was thankful to not see anymore cars on their tail."Well that was something." She sighed in relief before turning towards her sister. Yelena clutched her side with her eyes squeezed shut. "Shit! I didn't know you'd been hit." She pulled the car over and grabbed the supplies she'd bought earlier.

"I'm ok, really. It's just a graze." Yelena moved her hand away enough to see it covered in dark blood. "Oh well that's not great..."

Natasha had already got out the car and was helping Yelena out. "Come on let's get you inside." She held onto her sister and supported her into a pokey b&b. "Alright act normal for a sec."

"Well that's easy to do when you've just been shot and dressed like one of Earth's mightiest heros." The man behind the desk looked incredibly fed up and didn't seem to notice the pair looking any different to any other Russians that would come in.

"Hi, can I book a room for the night please?" Natasha spoke in Russian.

The man took her money and handed a key. He spoke no words in the process. He was probably so fed up in his job he couldn't care less about the strange pair.

Yelena made it up the stairs and Natasha turned the key for room 4. The room smelt of damp and the carpet was stained with who knows what, but apart from that it wasn't too bad.

Yelena slumped onto the double bed, pain etched across her face. She was as white as a sheep and wasn't making her casual remarks to try and wind her sister up.

Natasha was growing concerned. She grabbed the wad of patches and tried to pack the wound. "Hey, c'mon it's not so bad! I don't know what the big fuss is about." She lifted up Yelena's shirt to access the wound better.

Yelena hissed as her sister pushed harder into her side, "Why don't I shoot you then and we'll find out OK?" She gritted her teeth.

"Haha what you don't think I haven't been shot before?" Natasha helped Yelena remove her jacket and shirt. "I think the bullet just nicked you so no bullet to pick out, you'll be pleased to know."

"Oh well that's alright then- owwwww" Natasha pushed even harder with fresh bandages until the bleeding slowed enough for her to stitch it. "Alright how we gonna do this then? You wanna bite down on my sweater?"

Yelena swore in Russian. "Is this your idea of drugs?!"

"Oh.... actually this might help." Natasha passed her a bottle of Russian Vodka which she'd forgotten she picked up earlier.

"Ah finally something helpful!" Yelena took 3 large gulps and gasped as the alcohol burnt her insides.
She bit down hard on the jumper and yelped, squeezing her eyes shut as Natasha began to sew the wound. She went as quickly as possible. Nat knew from past experience how painful this was, so could definitely relate to Yelena's facial expressions.

"Alright sis, I got you covered. Almost done." Yelena's side burned like hell but finally the stitching was over. Now Natasha just wrapped a bandage around her side to protect the wound.

Yelena took a few more mouthfuls of vodka then passed the bottle to Natahsa. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me. I think I owe you about three times now so...." Natasha sat next to her sister on the edge of the bed.

"Ahh yes... that is true." Yelena smirked, recalling the now two incidents in a car chase and blowing up the helicopter earlier that day. "So you gonna quit sulking with me now?"

Natasha folded her arms, "fine. I guess it wasn't as big a deal as I made out. How's the pain?" She walked over to the ancient fridge across the room and grabbed a bottle cooler sleeve.

"Hurts like a bitch." She took a few more mouthfuls of vodka, pulling a face. Natasha handed her the wine cooler which she held at her side. "Thanks. So... you got a plan?"

She didn't respond. Truth was, Natasha didn't really know where they went from here.

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