Shit Plan

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Natasha thought long and hard about that question. The truth was she didn't really have one. Her original plan was to get out of this country, head back to the U.S. and find the other's. Now she had more people on her tail and more responsibility with Yelena by her side. "I'll think of something. Get some rest." She turned to Yelena who was already slumped into the pillows behind her, the alcohol doing its job well.

A small smile appeared across her lips. She lifted the blanket over her sister, then pulled out a non-trackable phone and moved over to the window. There were only a few people in her life she could rely on. The only problem was she couldn't get hold of most of them.

"Come on." She muttered in frustration as nothing seemed to be going through. Nat pressed down on the device trying to tap some signal into it, but of course was no use. She threw it to the side and leant against the wall, gazing out at the Russian street "what a day."

Yelena stirred in her sleep. She was clearly still in pain and as much as they might fight from time to time, it still ached Nat's heart to see her sister like that. She stifled a yawn herself. The days were long and hard with little time to sleep in between.

Nat was just making her way over to the bed when a bright light caught the corner of her eye. There were seconds to react. She whipped round and saw the RPG being launched straight at the building. Natasha dived over to the bed just as the building was hit.

They were immersed into a ball of flames. Everywhere was orange. The floor fell through. Yelena, of course woke straight away only to be knocked out again by the impact of the blow. Debris fell from all directions. There was no way of telling how far hidden under it all.

Natasha had just enough time to grip onto her sister as the explosion happened. She held her close as they fell through the floor. There wasn't much she could remember when she woke. Immediately she coughed from the smoke and the dust. She tried opening her eyes. Her lips moved to talk or shout but all she could here was deafening ringing.

Her limbs struggled to move under a mass of fallen debris. The ringing gradually began to fade and her vision began to adjust. Still in her arms she realised was Yelena. Her body limp and her eyes closed. Immediately, Natasha started to panic. There was no way she could've planned for this and she didn't know what to do.

"Yelena!! Yelena!!" She screamed as loud as she could trying to wake her little sister. "Come on... please wake up. Yelena I need you." Her voice was shaken. Nat didn't ever like to admit it, but in this instance she was scared.

She tried to shift some of the weight on top of them with all her strength. A plank of floorboard shifted spraying dust all around them. She managed to make slightly more room to be able to see Yelena better at least. With two fingers she pressed gently into her neck to make sure of a pulse. Her heart raced as she searched. It felt like hours but she found a slow pulse hanging on. Natasha sighed in relief.

Yelena's gun shot wound had reopened during the fall and was bleeding through her shirt. Above them, heat swarmed and the sound of flames flickering could be heard. Natasha absently wiped the blood away from her forehead as it trickled towards her eye. Then, with all her might she pushed above her in the hope of breaking free. She yelled out in the process, squeezing her eyes, focusing everything on the task at hand.

"What the hell.... just happened!? Yelena rubbed her head as her eyes began to open. Relieved, Natasha quit pushing and turned to her sister. She squinted at her surroundings. "How did we get here then? Another one of your shit plans?" 

Natasha smirked back, "something like that." She pulled out a roll of bandage from her pocket and stuffed it into the wound in Yelena's side who's body screamed at the contact. "Keep pressure on it. I'm going to get us out of here."

She continued to push and gradually more cracks from above were breaking through. The problem was she wasn't at her strongest either and her sister was fighting back unconsciousness. "Sis.... I got to tell you something."Expecting some jokey remark Natasha kept moving rubble above them. "Nat.... Please."

Concerned, Natasha stopped. "What is it?" She grabbed the bandage and applied more pressure as Yelena was too weak to do it adequately.

Yelena frowned in pain but continued, "I need you to know that if I don't make it-"

"Shut up right now! I'm serious stop it. The world doesn't get rid of us that easily." Nat moved closer to her sister and leant her head against Yelena's blonde locks. She was pale from the blood loss yet still fire could be seen behind her eyes.

"No I'm serious." Her response was weak but controlled. "You need to know that I forgive you and I don't ever want you to blame yourself. This was my choice and if I die I'll be at my happiest with you by my side." She leant back into Natasha who held her close. Her eyes pricked with tears at the thought of losing her sister.

"I've got you, ok. I should've been there for you more and I'm sorry but I love you and I mean that with all my heart." She quickly wiped away a tear that had slipped free.

Yelena fought onto consciousness as she gripped onto Natasha, "I love you." Her words were just about audible. She suddenly became weak. Her limbs numb. Natasha panicked when she saw Yelena's eyes were closed and shook her sister. This couldn't be it. Please God this couldn't be.

"Yelena!!" She screamed in desperation. Nat tried everything. She continued to search for a pulse and was shouting in the hope of waking her up.

She was still searching when she felt a presence above her. Hope. She didn't care who it was. She yelled and smashed above making as much noise as possible. Suddenly, a fingerless glove could be seen shifting the debris at lightning speed as though it weighed nothing. It was moments before light broke in and the man had lifted herself and Yelena out of the pit. He didn't speak, just a familiar smile spread across his lips.

Natasha's heart skipped a beat as the face of Steve Rogers appeared before her. 

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