Chapter 30

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They held hands as they exited the room and made their way to the dining hall.

As they held hands and made their way towards the dining hall Sebastian couldn't help but steer her away towards a corridor. He leaned her against a ledge,

Sebastian, "I love you and I mean it when I say that from this day forward I vow to keep protecting you with all of me. My heart, body, and soul, I love you a thousand times and more."

Anna," I love you with all that I am Sebastian."

She smiled at him as she leaned in close and kissed him. He kissed her making his way to her neck a little as Anna got a little uncomfortable and squirmed beneath him. He looked back up at her noticing her discomfort.

Anna, " What? I'm a little ticklish and that was a little weird." she mentioned chuckling at him.

A smile appeared on his face from ear to ear as he looked at her adorably.

Sebastian, " That's adorable that you find it to be "ticklish" for sure, you're adorable. Let's go grab something to eat before the dinner ends."

Anna, "Oki Mr. Cutie"

Both smiled as they found a spot they could sit down and eat. As they did, a few of the servants of the castle came with plates and dishware placing them in front of them as they almost began to leave Anna said thank you to each one of them. Being polite and thanking those who work for the castle is a humbling thing to do. Plus it reminded her of the hard waitresses in New York who would go through plenty of tiring days waitressing for a restaurant. Many other servants came to serve the food and it looked like some sort of meat with what looked like vegetables. One of the ladies brought a purple drink and a clear drink to the table that she would assume would be water and some fancy drink.

Anna," Thank you, this looks delicious."

Lady," You are very welcome you're highness" the lady curtsied a bit nervously as she walked away.

Sebastian," This looks good, have you tried this drink yet? It tastes very good I promise."

He pointed at the purple liquid in the glass beside the other glass with water.

Anna picking up the glass with the purple liquid and inspecting it.

Anna," Looks a little sus, but I will try it either way." Taking a sip of the liquid it tasted like a rose syrup with lychee and some other type of flavor that she couldn't pinpoint.

Sebastian," SO? Do you like it? Also, what is sus?"

Anna," It's something new for sure and it tastes amazing. Sus just means suspicious but in a shorter term."

Both continued to eat dinner as the servants would casually hop in removing and replacing plates. Finally, dessert came and Anna was practically full at this point already. Majestinian's for sure know how to cook some great food that's for sure. One of the men placed their desserts down, it looked like a bowl of ice cream of some sort but it had weird squiggly lines inside of it the color red as well as blue glass-like-looking swirls on the side. Grabbing her spoon and digging into the ice cream-looking dessert as it began to crumble into little pieces as it were shattered glass.

Sebastian, "Cool right?"

Mesmerized by how cool that was to witness she replied.

Anna, " Yeah I've never seen that type of dessert thing, reaction happen before"

She laughed at her reaction.

Sebastian motioned for her to try it as he took a bite of his. Picking up her spoon and spooning the cracked up pieces of the dessert she shoveled it into her mouth. Surprisingly her face glowed with amusement at how delicious it tasted. It tasted like a mix of chocolate and a mix of fruits but she could swear none of it resembled chocolate or fruits.

The Lost Princess of Majestinia Part 1 (Part 2 Coming Soon) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now