Chapter 21

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Maylie led Anna to her chambers as they walked on their way she spotted plenty of soldiers and people who seemed to be servants who often glanced at her and curtsied whenever they came across her. Anna didn't think she looked as appropriate in the clothes she was wearing. Especially with her shirt that was stained with blood and her leather jacket with cuts in them. Gladly she hoped they'd be open towards letting her wear some of her own clothing as well being that men wore pants and women more so dresses than a shirt and pants. Clothing from "earth" are way different to the Majestinian's clothing based on what she saw at the moment. 

Maylie stopped at a wooden door with golden flowers and a gear crest. She pushed open the door and walked in with Anna following behind her. The room was big and spacious, it had deep purple curtains that looked like the color of wine. A marble floor that glistened with each step that was taken on it. She saw marble flooring a recurring theme throughout as well as glass flooring. In the middle of the room stood a big comfy bed  laid out in purple shades and golden pillows the headboard was adorned with wood gear carvings painted in gold. A few dressers stood off to the opposite side of the bed mimicking the bed's style. A chandelier hung high up on the ceiling and even a fire place was sat on the side of the room. As she walked more into the room, Maylie opened what seemed to be big windows that opened towards an open balcony that over looked a beautiful garden.

Maylie, " Nice isn't it you're highness."

Anna, "Absolutely stunning!"

She was speechless!

Maylie, " Wait until you see the bathroom"

She smiled at Anna excited.

Turning towards her and leading her into what looked to be two beautful closet doors, Maylie opened the doors to reveal a big spacious bathroom with a shower, jacuzzi and a beautifully carved sink that stood on gears it seemed to look as if the sink was floating.

Anna, "What?! Wow, Maylie!  The sink looks like it's floating in gears. This is beyond beautiful, I love it!"

Maylie laughed at her response and reaction to the bathroom.

 Maylie," It is spectaucular. The Queen had it made with certain feels of Earth technology so that you would feel more at home here in Majestinia. Especially the shower and jacuzzi, she finds them to be amazing as well.  Let me grab you a towel an I will assist you with bathing."

Anna, " Maylie it is alright, I will bathe myself for now. Thank you for offering though I appreciate it."

Maylie, " Well then, I will leave you too it. I will be getting you some clothes and food in the mean time.  If you need my assistance don't be afraid to send me a message through telecommunication. Enjoy your bath Princess, Welcome home!"

Anna, " Thank you"

 Maylie left the bathroom as Anna closed the bathroom door for more privacy. Walking over to the big mirror on the wall she took off her jacket and placed  it on top of the ledge beside the mirror. A bloody spot was seen on her sleeve as she peeled off the now dried blood on her shirt. She managed to take it off although it kinda stuck a little to her skin. She decided to take off the rest of her clothing as well leaving her in her underwear. Making her way towards the shower she turned the dial to hot water. Like anyone's response to water coming out of the ceiling, she backed away from the semi-cold water. Once the heat of the water became welcoming she moved further into the shower as her hair became damp. Bloody residue and grime began to fall into a puddle beneath her feet.

 Inspecting her earlier healed wound she saw a light scar where the wound once was. Enveloped by the waters warmth she began scrubbing away the days-long journey.  Once done and stepping out of the shower, she grabbed a nearby towel that was the color red wine, wrapping it around her body. It seemed to be  very warm once she picked it off the rack . Weird she thought, once she was fully out of the shower she walked to the mirror once more and looked at herself. She couldn't believe how different she looked now that she had her powers, it was hard to see herself without the lighter hair and heightened features.  Remembering all the training and hardships she had went to she piccked herself up emotionally and opened the door to her bedroom.  She noticed a tray of food in the distance and some clothes on her bed followed by a small note.

The Lost Princess of Majestinia Part 1 (Part 2 Coming Soon) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now