Fugitive On The Run

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(y/n) - your name


I groan out as I looked out the window, the rain just continuously pouring from the sky in turrets. "When is this rain going to stop?" I groan out, huddled in multiple layers, my sweater paws opening the door to see Duncan outside carving a stick.

Chris goes on explaining the rainy weather for the next few days and I sigh out as I plop myself next to Duncan. "So nice to see you guys getting along. Give's me the warm fuzzies." Duncan mocks and I watch with a brow raised as he sharpens a stick with his knife.

"What exactly are you doing?" Duncan shrugs.

"Man this sucks. Not even Owen couldn't put a shiny happy spin on this weather." I lean on Duncan's shoulder, breathing in the smell of the rain and humming out the song in my head.

"It's not that bad actually." I smile, putting out my hand to catch the droplets. Heather and Gwen decide to go back inside their cabin to go to sleep and Duncan stays outside with me just for a little longer.

"What are you doing?" I stand up and stick my arm out into the rain, them my leg and then my head until I was fully out in the rain. "(y/n), you're going to get sick." I ignore Duncan and look up at the night sky as it rained down on me, beaming at how bright the stars were. A song suddenly starts playing on the speakers and I raise a brow knowing Chris was up to something. "(y/n), come on."

I swayed along with the music, feeling it thump through my body and my heart beating along with the same rhythm as I lost myself in the lyrics. I turn around and giggle, pulling Duncan up and into the rain as I spun him around in the spot. He chuckles softly, watching me embrace the music as I sang along with the lyrics.

"You could break my heart in two, but when it heals, it beats for you. I know it's forward but it's true." Time seemed to slow down as it was just me and Duncan, suddenly filled a sudden burst of happiness and peace of life. I jumped around with the largest smile on my face, Duncan just watching me with a soft look in his eyes. I spun around, my hair sticking to my face and my clothes soaking but I didn't care. I just wanted to sing and scream out, just wanting to enjoy life.

Duncan wiped the water from his eyes as he laughed happily, watching me dance as my hair spun around me. "I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to, when I'm lying close to someone else." I gasp in surprise as I get pulled back, spun around in the spot before being dipped. Duncan brings me back up in a standing position and dances with me, twirling me into his arms as he hugged my back. I sigh blissfully, swaying side to side as Duncan kissed my head that was leaning back against his shoulder as I placed my hands on top of his around my waist.

"You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it." I turn around in Duncan's arms, softly singing the lyrics as I smiled up at him as he brought me closer to his chest. He stared down at me, a warm look in his eyes as he leaned his forehead on mine and gently caresses my cheek. "If I could do it all again, I know I'd go back to you." I closed my eyes, trying to calm the blush on my cheeks as Duncan kissed my nose and I leaned up close to him. I open my eyes, leaning against his hand on my cheek as Duncan tightened his grip around my waist before kissing me.

I shudder against the passionate kiss, tilting my head and kissing Duncan deeply. He shivers lightly against my lips, the heat from our bodies warding off the cold of the rain as he held me. I could feel my heart beating widely and I was sure Duncan could feel mine. I move my arms to grip Duncans shirt on his back, his hand on my cheek moving to thread through my hair and I gasp at the slight tug on my locks.

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