Hawaiian Style

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(y/n) - your name

(d/n) - daughters name (I'm too lazy to come up with a name)


I sigh as I look out the window of the rental car, watching the scenery go by while I toyed with the bandages on around my arms. I look up and catch Duncan's eyes in the review mirror while he drove the car, a sad frown on his face and I quickly look away. I held my arms, closing my eyes and just wishing I was back home already.

It had been like this between us since Chris dropped us off at the nearest airport when we arrived to the next destination for the game shows challenge of the day. I couldn't talk to Duncan and he knew I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't know what to say to him. We both have been on edge with the exception of looking after (d/n). Thankfully, she was mainly asleep for the whole journey since she didn't want to sleep when she finally got to spend time with me.

The car stopped and I look out the window to see we were at the address Bridgette and Geoff gave us since they invited us for an Aftermath episode in Hawaii. "Let her sleep..." Duncan whispers so softly, not for (d/n), but for me like he was afraid to scare me.  I nod, unclipping (d/n) from her booster seat and getting out of the car carefully with her in my arms. "I'll go park..." Duncan mutters out and I nod.

"I'll let Bridgette and Geoff know we're here." Duncan nods as I mutter out, him gripping the steering wheel. He opens his mouth to say something but sighs, shaking his head before driving off. I watch the car before walking off to the set wondering if it was going to be like this between Duncan and me from now on.

"(y/n)! You made it!" Geoff squeezes me in a hug, being careful of my sleeping baby. "Welcome and say hello from the audience favourite!" the audience cheers for me and I smile waving.

"I didn't know I was the audience favourite, I thought that was Owen."

"After the way you jumped Alejandro, you became everyone's favourite! Where's Duncan?" I bristle at his name.

"He went to park the car." Geoff frowns lowly, leaning down.

"Are you ok?" he whispers and I nod.

"Where Bridgette?"

"Oh! Long story short, Blainley sent her to Siberia."

"Right..." I go sit down with the rest of the cast, hugging them and talking with them since it's been so long since I last saw them.

"(y/n)! Omg!" Gwen hugs me. "Everyone saw what Alejandro did! Are you ok?"

"Uh, it's a little complicated. Can we maybe not talk about it here?" She nods and I hear the others greet Duncan as he sits a couple of benches behind me.

"That bad?" Gwen mumbles and I nod. Geoff continues with the show, Bridgette riding in on a surfboard with a damn bear and I clutch (d/n) closer to me. She murmurs, squirming in my arms and I struggle to keep her asleep.

"(y/n)..." I jump when I see Gwen and Duncan had switched seats so he was sitting next to me, his arms out to take (d/n) and I pass her to him. The cast talks about who should win the million, being split between Cody and Heather since everyone hates Alejandro now. I wasn't in the mood to join in the conversation, I just wanted to go home. 

I freeze as I feel someone touch my hand that was laying on the couch next to me, looking down to see Duncan's fingers brush against my hand. He was looking away with a sad look on his face like he was worried I would turn him away or brush his hand off, but I did miss his touch. I turn my palm up and he hesitantly lays his hand in mine, entwining his fingers with mine and I slowly close mine around his. He brushed his thumb against my ring, squeezing my hand but I didn't have the energy to do it back.

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