Losers Club

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(y/n) - your name


I watched with humour as the campers all danced around on the dance floor with Justin and Noah surprisingly being the badass DJ's orchestrating the whole thing. I was chilling with Beth and Lindsay, them talking about funny old high school stories as I sipped on my margarita Izzy had made for me.

It's been almost a week since I've been here, hanging with the campers and living in absolute luxury like a boss. We just watched the rerun of episode Camp Castaways where Heather, Duncan Gwen and Owen were washed off on the opposite side of the Island. Now everyone was having a party like they did whenever they felt like it honestly.

I chuckled as I saw Sadie and Katie breaking it down on the dancefloor with Leshawna, everyone seemingly partnering up to dance. "Hey (y/n)!" I look over to see Trent waving at me to get on the dance floor since I was the only one left.

"I'm good!" I shake my head no, finishing off my drink but Trent doesn't take no as an answer.

"I'm not letting you be left out!" He calls out over the loud music, holding my hand and dragging me up on my feet.

"Trent!" I chuckle as he pulls me further into the dance floor, spinning me around in the spot. "Didn't know you had moves." I smirk and Trent rolls his eyes playfully.

"Says the girl that had a full-on solo last week in the rain." I blush darkly, realising that the campers saw me and Duncan dancing out in the rain.

Right, everything is televised.

"Shut up. I was in the moment." I flush pink and Trent laughs.

"At least you don't have an excuse to not dance with us." Geoff calls out as he joins us with Bridgette and we all jump along to the music.

"How are you and Duncan going by the way?" Bridgette asks.

"Great! I mean, I'm sure you know how I feel when you're with Geoff." Bridgette blushes and quickly nods.

"Have you guys said those three words yet?"

"Uh, not yet."

"What!? Why!?" Bridgette gasps out, shaking my shoulders. "You both clearly love each other."

"It's those words. I do feel that for Duncan, it's just not easy for me to say it."

"Girl come on, you both can't get enough of each other!" Izzy suddenly butts in and I blush.

"Girls let her breathe. They will say it to each other when it's the right time." Courtney saves me and I raise a brow at her.

Still hold a grudge against her but she's ok. Only ok.

I'm still wary of Courtney in case she pulls a quick one on me.

"Thanks Courtney."

"By the way, I think someone special is waiting for you at the docks." She winks at me and walks away and I suddenly feel all giddy.

Duncan is here!?

I quickly run out through the house to the front door and down the stairs to see Chef in a boat leaving the docks. He waves goodbye to me and I peer over the ledge to see Duncan waiting on the docks.

"Duncan!" I yell out and he looks up at me, eyes wide and he beams as I run down the steps. "You're here!" I squeal and quickly jump into his arms as he caught me and spun me around, hugging me tightly.

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