Dial M For Merger

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(y/n) - your name


"Uh fuck... why does my head hurt so much..." I groan as I come to, slowly waking up and instantly being in pain as my head felt like it had been run over.

"Miss! You need to take it easy!" I slowly open my eyes to see a nurse trying to stop me from sitting up. I look around and notice that I wasn't at the wrestling match nor the film lot?

I'm at the hospital?

I get hit with the smell of antiseptic and clean white fabrics, looking down to see I was in a hospital bed in one of those hospital gowns. "What...?"

"Just take it easy. You got hit pretty hard. Someone had punched you and you were rushed to the ER."

"Someone... punched..." I slowly get furious knowing that it was Courtney. "That bitch is going to get it when I get back!" I seethe, the nurse ignoring me as she call a doctor since I woke up. "How long have I been here?"

"A couple of days now miss." I nod and she goes off to get me some water when the doctor walks in.

"Miss (y/n) I presume."

"Yeah, that's me."

"I need to inform you that we had some mild altercations about your injury when you came to the hospital. We weren't able to do an MRI so we just did a cat scan of your head to see if there is any underlying problems. So far there are no issues and your head is perfectly fine-"

"-why couldn't you do an MRI?" I was confused about that part even though I know it's the doctor's job to tell patients of their thought process and the procedures they've done.

"Oh, your contraception had expired a few months ago and we had to remove that first and-"

"-wait, it expired!?" My eyes widen at the information I was getting and my heart raced.

Did I really lose track of when my IUD expired!?

If it expired, does that mean...

"For how long!?" I felt nervous all of a sudden with the feeling of hope. 

"About 3 months ago and I have to inform you-"

"-does that mean I might be..."


I lean my elbows on the table as I look down at the test that was staring right back at me, my fingers threaded together over my mouth as my legs bounced. I wasn't sure how to bring this up, staring at the confessional camera a few times. 

"I don't exactly know how to feel about this... my head is all over the place at the moment and my heart is racing. I don't know... I think I'm excited but scared... definitely panicked and nervous about this...." I lower my hands, picking up the pregnancy test and raising it to the camera.

"I... I'm uh, I'm pregnant..." I nervously rub my neck, looking down at the positive line with a smile. "I'm not sure exactly how long I am now since it's too early to tell but the doctor thinks it's 5 weeks now... so... uh, from the very beginning of the Total Drama Action season..."

"Do I tell Duncan...? Does he even want a kid...?"


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