Blood, Sweat and Tears

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(y/n) - your name

(d/n) - daughters name (I'm too lazy to come up with a name)


"Don't bullshit me (y/n)!" Duncan yelled out and I flinch back. He immediately softened seeing that he had frightened me but it disappeared with the anger coming back full force. "You and that-that fucking sleazebag of a snake!?"

"We are not together! Who gave you these pictures!?" I was panicking, knowing Duncan could get violent when he was angry. He never hurt me but he would hurt himself from smashing things.

"That doesn't matter! You lied to me!"

"I never lied to you! These are fake!"

"They look pretty real (y/n)! Is this what you were trying to forget!? With all that drinking!? The fact that you cheated on me like a fucking whore!?" I freeze, lips quivering as Duncan kept yelling at me.

"I never cheated on you! I would never cheat on you!" I scream back, memories of my parents fighting for the same reason coming back to haunt me. "You are the only person I love! These were all staged!"

"I knew it was too good to be true! How could you do this to (d/n)! Being so fucking selfish and going off with another guy!?"

"I would never cheat on you! Can you not get that through your head!? Why would I ever do that to my daughter when my parents did that to me!? I never want to put (d/n) through the misery I went through! I don't want her to end up like me!" I was screaming and yelling back, absolutely pissed off as I rushed to put on clothes.

I was angry at myself, at Duncan, at Alejandro, at everyone!

I froze when I realised I spilled about my past and Duncan looks at me with wide eyes but I was already too far gone to be reasonable. "The fact that you can't trust your own fucking wife when she tells you these are fake makes you a fucking piece of shit husband! I would never do anything to hurt you!" I continued on yelling and Duncan grew furious.

"I'm a shit husband!? You're calling me a shit parent!? You're off being a slut with some other man while I'm looking after (d/n)!" Duncan yelled at me as he walked towards me.

"I am not a slut!" I shove Duncan back harshly and he stumbles away. "You were my first kiss! You were my first love! You were my first everything and you're calling me a slut!? I never fucked Alejandro! I never kissed him! I never did anything with him!" I was panting out, tears streaming down my face but Duncan didn't believe me. We both were stubborn people.

"Then what's this!? Are you trying to lie right to my face when there's proof right here!?" He picks up the picture from the massage incident and I flinch back as he throws it at me. It lands on the floor by my feet. "What the fuck is that then!? Some elaborate type of photoshop!?"

"He's trying to pin us against each other!"

"Well, it fucking worked!"

"Duncan he touched me!" I wail out, bursting into tears. I hoped that he would listen to me but he narrowed his eyes at me. There was hope in me when he stood silently, like he might contemplate that Alejandro moved onto me not the other way around. "I didn't-"

"-of course, he touched you! You fucking cheating bitch-!" Duncan got cut off as I slapped him. His head was whipped to the side, my palm stinging lightly and I gasp that I had hurt him.

"Duncan... I-" I stumble back, the years of repressing my anger issues surfacing again in one night. "I didn't mean to..." he clenched his jaw, turning to face me and all I saw was cold hatred in his eyes. "Duncan please-" he left without another word and I slink to the floor and I let out a shrill scream as I destroyed the bedroom. Chairs were thrown against the wall, mirrors shattered, objects were smashed against the floor and blood spilled from my open wounds. I panted out as I stood in the middle of the demolished bedroom, picking up a broken wooden chair leg as I stormed out of the bedroom.

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