Framed Lies

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(y/n) - your name

(d/n) - daughters name (I'm too lazy to come up with a name)


I sigh out as I carefully slip off my wedding dress, packing it away in the wardrobe as I go to take a quick shower. I dry off and get dressed in a simple nightgown once I was done with my shower, drying my hair with a towel before chucking it on a chair and exiting the wedding-themed bedroom. Duncan was gone to do the voting, my feet taking me to the first-class area that was filled with flowers and cute wedding theme decorations.

My heart warmed as I saw the chosen flowers were specifically my favourite and I wonder if Chris had planned for that to happen. There were sweets and cakes and glasses of champagne plus a candlelight dinner for two. I blow out the candle, a tad too tired to eat as I went straight to get some water. I peer out the window of the plane to see that it was nighttime, the first-class cabin getting significantly darker as the sun had set.

I see a jug of water and I grab it, downing the whole thing in one go. I sigh from the cold liquid but suddenly choke from the burning heat in my throat and the alcoholic taste on my tongue. "Vodka...? Did I just drink Vodka?" I set the jug down with shaky hands, stumbling back from the sudden memories that flashed through my head of the night before. The blaring music, the burning taste of alcohol, the blinding lights and the empty bottles littered around my feet.


I remember the worried looks on Duncan and Chris and I quickly stumble out of first-class to see the contestants heading to the loser class. My heart jumps in my throat and I get a sick feeling in my stomach when I see Alejandro, him looking at me before walking away and I remember why I lost it last night. I quickly run back to my bedroom, pacing the floor as my mind wanders back to Alejandro and I shudder. I felt disgusted, dirty and I just wanted him out of my head.

"(d/n) is finally down asleep with Chris-" I whip around and grab Duncan to kiss him, pulling on his shirt. He sputters against my lips, quickly kissing me back deeply as he wraps his arms around my waist.

I need to forget...

I kiss Duncan deeper, him moaning softly against my lips as he pins me against the bedroom door and I lean down to lock it. "(y/n), whoa-" I pull Duncan back to my lips, my hand tangling in his hair and he parts my lips with his. I whimper softly against him nibbling on my bottom lip, slipping his tongue past my lips to taste me and I feel Duncan freeze against me before he leans back.


"-were you drinking again?" he licks his lips and there was disappointment in his eyes, me shrinking in his hold.

"Please don't... not tonight..." I shake in his arms, mind racing of Alejandro and what I did the night before. "I'm already disappointed in myself as it is... I just want to forget..."

"Forget what-" I cut Duncan off as I kiss him again, running my hands beneath his shirt and onto his chest.

He shudders from my touch, pulling him close to feel him against me as I held onto his back. I turn us around and walk backwards to the bed as I pull him with me, Duncan leaning down to kiss my neck as his hands lift up my nightgown to touch my thighs. I sigh out against his soft kisses that run down my shoulder as he picks me up and gently sets me down on the bed but when I thought he would continue, Duncan pulls away from me.

"(y/n), something is bothering you-" I cut him off with another kiss as I slowly break his resolve with me, pulling his body down on mine to feel him and only him. I mewl out softly as I feel his hands run up my bare thighs beneath my dress, shuddering from his touch and my mind quietens from being able to feel Duncan. "(y/n) please..." he leans back from me and pants as I look at him sadly. "Something hurt you and we can't just-"

"-please..." I tear up and I hide my eyes, not wanting to cry in front of him. "Please make me forget..."

"Sweetheart, you need to tell me whats hurting you-"

"-I need to feel like I'm yours. Please make me feel that I'm yours and only yours." I whisper out and Duncan slowly pulls my arms away from my face, a worried look on his face as he wiped my tears away.

"(y/n), you are mine and I'm yours too. There's no denying that-"

"-please make me feel like I am yours, Duncan... I just want to remember you and only you. Make me forget..." I beg him and Duncan leans his forehead on mine before he leans back and gets out of bed.

I tear up thinking that maybe he had enough of me but he quickly strips from his clothes and slides back into bed with me. I look at him as he gently removes my clothes, the both of us bare to each other and he lays me back down on the bed. Duncan lays down on top of me, the blanket covering us both and I lean my forehead on his shoulder knowing what he was doing.

"Duncan..." my heart eases and my mind stops running as all I could feel was my husband holding me tightly while covering my body entirely with his, squeezing me with his arms around me. His weight felt soothing and all I could think about was him as I wrap my legs around Duncan's waist, his head burying in my neck. Despite the crushing feeling, I felt like I could easily breathe again.

"Whatever you need (y/n)...but I'm not taking advantage of you like this..." Duncan murmurs against my shoulder before leaning up to look down at me with so much love in his eyes. He gently brushes my hair away from my face as I ran my hands over his back, leaning my cheek against his palm that caresses me softly. I feel his other hand run down my right arm before holding my hand and he brings it up to kiss the ring on my finger. I tear up again, feeling so loved as Duncan leans down again to just hug me for the rest of the night.

Maybe I should tell him what Alejandro did...


I grumble out, suddenly feeling so cold as I shivered beneath the blankets without my living heater and I whined out for my husband. I open my eyes, turning my head to see Duncan sitting up on the bed with his back facing me. He was running his hands through his hair and I wondered why he was awake at this time.

"Duncan..." I mumble out, sitting up as I leaned my forehead on his shoulder. I wrap my hands around his waist, hugging him tightly for warmth. "What's wrong? Why are you awake?" I yawn out, nuzzling my nose against his back and I smile as I feel his hands gently hold one of my around his waist. "Let's go back to sleep, or do you want to put on some clothes?" I shudder lightly from a stray breeze, thinking about turning the actual heater on when Duncan pries his hands off him. "Duncan?" I was worried now, a sick feeling settling in my stomach when he just stands up and starts getting dressed. "What's wrong-"

"-is that why you were drinking the other night? Is this why you asked me to make you forget?" There was pain and rage laced in Duncan's voice as I look up at him, a sneer on his face and I quickly covered myself with the blanket from his cold gaze.

"I don't know what you're talking about-" I gasp as he throws a folder into my lap, pictures falling out. I look down at them and my heart sinks, face paling at the pictures in front of me. "These are fake!" I exclaim, hands picking up the pictures with shaky hands. They were pictures of me and Alejandro, pictures that made it look like Alejandro and I were together but it was just the angle and timing of them.

That's why he did all those things with me... To break up Duncan and I...?

Alejandro catching me by my waist when I bumped into him on the morning of arriving in Greece, him leaning into me against the counter and holding my hips when getting me a cup from the high shelves.

Alejandro and I against the big boxes in the Area 51 place as he had caught me from jumping, my hands on his shoulders.

Alejandro pinning me against the counter the morning of arriving to Australia where I was making desserts, his hands all over me as he ran them down my arms and against my shoulders and my neck.

Alejandro tucking hair behind my ear in Sweden and leaning down close to my face to whisper, and him touching me during the spa treatment.

The pictures look so much worse than they were, my face in all of them looking like I was enjoying his presence. Especially with the image of the dessert incident and the massage incident. The others were much worse, taken at moments that made it look like Alejandro and I were... kissing...

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