-𝗼𝗻𝗲 (1)

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[I was having way to much fun on that message board 😭.]

"𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧

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"𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧."

•𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 •

"Now, keep this on your lip and you'll be fine." I gently set the bag of ice on Luca's face, a big bruise on his forehead forming. "Just stop getting into trouble."

He let out a low hum, his hand traveling up my waist and settling there. "I will if it's you who gets to take care of me."

I rolled my eyes playfully, the warmth of his hand on my waist slightly giving me butterflies. He was always like this- his love language was touch, and mine was too. But Luca was too good for me, and I need to focus on my studies, getting the job at St. Mungos and working on paying rent for my own apartment.

I didn't have time for a relationship.

It was hard enough to study, and balance rent right now when all I'm doing at the moment is helping St. Mungos with filing in patients- it doesn't pay much. So obviously I'm struggling to try to keep my own apartment, which is why I really need this position that Hermione, my sister, is helping me get.

The only problem is, I'd be Draco Malfoys partner.

He was a menace in my eyes, a complete asshole who has no respect for women. Even though he has a girlfriend, Astoria Greengrass, he still sounds like he would treat her horribly with the way he talks to anyone else. But of course, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't fucking attractive.

Lillian rolled her eyes, "Luca, you are making her-."

"Run late," I cut her off with a hesitant tone, cleaning everything up in the nurses office. Luca decided it would be fun to put oil on the cafeteria floor and wait for someone to slip- Amelia Malfoy slipped, and she called her boyfriend over, resulting in Luca getting punched in the face. But he still won the fight. "I'm supposed to meet Mione at the hospital so I can meet my partner."

Luca hummed, his hand tightening on my waist before he sat up on the bed. His other hand came up and held the ice pack to his forehead, before standing up and looking down at me. "That's okay, I have someone in my dorm waiting on me, if you know what I mean." He winked, pulling me closer to his chest.

I nearly lost my breath but kept myself composed. "Yes, Luca. I know exactly what you mean, and I have to go now." My tone was gentle- I wasn't jealous. I couldn't give him a relationship right now, and be respected that.

I turned out of his grasp, feeling his hand slap my ass before I let out a giggle and shake my head unbelievably. "Gotta forget you somehow, Granger."


Apparating to St. Mungos was not the most awesome thing to do.

But here I was, walking inside with my wand in my hand. I was still in my uniform, my yellow pencil skirt flowing around my waist, my white button up house tucked into the skirt with a black tie. Oddly enough, my colleges colors were yellow, black, and white. And I was definitely a Hufflepuff.

The doors opened with my hands pulling them, air hitting my face causing goosebumps to form on my skin. I was already cold, and the temperature in here doesn't help at all. As usual, Hermione was standing by the corner, a clip board in her hand before oddly, someone else took the clipboard.

Someone with platinum blonde hair that was slightly wavy, someone with piercing blue eyes that sometimes looked like an ocean with many stories to tell. Someone who stood in a white jacket buttoned up with a stethoscope around their neck and a hard look on their face.

Merlin, he was so fucking hot.

But a complete asshole.

Hermione noticed me walking, and waved Malfoy odd while he didn't even spare a glance in my direction. "Estrella, finally."

"Sorry Mione, Luca had.. a minor setback." I rubbed the back of my neck, before glancing around. "But I'm here now."

She nodded, walking down the hallway away from monitors and patients on the bottom floor. "You two will share an office, room number 134 on the third floor. He left you already- Look, Estrella, you picked the worst department to study in. Malfoy is a git."

Huffing, I fumbled with the bottom of my skirt. "Yes, but I need this position, Hermione. I still have a whole semester of college left, and unlike all those other people, I don't have a dorm. If working with him is my only setback, then so be it."

Turning around, I made it to the elevators and pressed the 'up' button, waiting for it to open. I'm nervous to talk with him alone, I'd never done it before and he was already intimidating enough talking to someone else.

And I wasn't exactly the type to not be intimidated by him.

The elevator dinged, snapping me out of my thoughts before I stepped in and hit the button three. It took me up faster than I intended it too, and it honestly made me want to shrink into a hole. What was I doing here? Was I actually about to be Draco Malfoys partner?

The elevators opened, and I stepped through with more cold air wafting into my face and making me shiver again. Room 134 was right down the hallway, and I took my steps slower before finally plucking up the courage to knock on the door.

He didn't open it for me, no. All that came was a low, rude, "Come in."

It took me everything I had to open the door to his- about to be our- office, and close the door behind me. He was sitting at his desk, glasses on his face while his hands were in his hair and his eyes staring deep into his computer with a pen in his other hand, writing something down.

My feet shuffled, "Hi." Was all that came out of my mouth.

He took my voice as a chance to look on me, his eyes sweeping across my figure and it made me sort of want to shield myself. My body wasn't anything special- take a stick, and compare it to me, and you could use it as an exact replica. A B cup in bra and not much on my bottom was what I was gifted with, but I had a pretty face, so it balances.

"I have a few questions to ask you first, Granger." He stood up, my feet instantly carrying me back to the door before he pulled a weird face. I only watched as he leaned on the desk, taking off his glasses. "How old are you?"

"I'm-." My eyes scanned over his torso, his jacket unbuttoned to reveal his white T-shirt that hugged his torso tightly allowing me to see his outline of abs. "Nineteen. I'm- I'm nineteen." Clearing my throat, I put my eyes to the floor.

He hummed lowly, "And you still attend college?"

I nodded my head, "Yes. I've only got one semester-."

He rolled his eyes, "I didn't ask for an explanation. Birth date?"

I wanted to bury myself beneath so many pages of books right now, it was unreal. "December sixteenth."

He chuckled, before locking eyes with me. "Virgin?"

If I could've choked on my own spit at the time, I would've. This is more embarrassing than anything I've ever encountered, because usually, I don't encounter anything like this. I'm shy, I place my head in books all day. Of course I was a virgin, that's part of the reason Luca and I wouldn't get along. Because he copes with sex, and I cope with books. He wants different things- if we were to get in a fight, he would end up fucking someone else in a heart beat. That's not what I want.

Clearing my throat, I gave him a look that told him I was embarrassed, my cheeks flushing. "That's- thats not any of your business."

"Mm," he leaned off of the desk, "I think you'll do well as my partner."




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