-𝘀𝗶𝘅 (6)

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"𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠,"___________________________________________

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"𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠,"

• 𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 •

Amelia Malfoy, did not like me at all.

I stood in Dracos office, trying to focus on filling out this clip board in my hand for a patient - but all she was doing, was staring me down like I was the plague. It irritated me, it's been going on for the last month that I've been working on getting my job back and in the process, my feelings towards Draco had only grown.

Fortunately, I had gotten my position back permanently, and I think that's why Amelia hates me. But either way, it wasn't my fault. I think she hates me because I started working for her brother, but I've been ignoring him since he called our 'kiss' a 'mistake'.

As of right now, he wasn't in the office with us, he was somewhere else, wrapping a patients foot. Funny, just how he did with me and he ended up kissing me.

Amelia took a seat at Dracos office chair, a loud huff leaving her lips as she did. "Are you just going to stand there like a freak?" Her words pierced through my ears, sort of hurting my feelings.

"No, in fact, I think I'll leave." I mumbled, taking the clip board in my hand and walking straight out.

I sort of slammed the door behind me, my feet carrying me to Hermiones office so I could drop off the clipboard. As I was passing a hallway, I spotted Astoria walking with a bag in her hands, probably lunch. Of course he went back to her.

Why wouldn't he?

Hermione was sitting at her office, and once I dropped off the clip board I debated on going back to Dracos office. But I had to because my bag was in there and I didn't need to leave it all alone, so I continued to walk back there until my phone started to ring.

I looked at the contact name reading Luca, and answered it. "Yes?"

"Estrella," he sounded choked up, concerned. "I- I need your help."

I sighed, "Are you okay?" I asked him, still walking towards the elevator and once I made it, of course Draco had to be in there.

"I need you to buy me a plan B pill."

My heart sort of stopped, the elevator moving upwards but all I could do was tighten my hands on my phone. "Excuse me?"

Shuffling could be heard on the other line, then the sound of a girl sobbing could be heard. "Estrella please. I don't want a kid-"

"How is that my problem, Luca?" I tried to keep my voice calm and also tried to ignore the burning stare Draco was giving me. "Let me ask you, have you ever heard of condoms? Or did you forget that I work at a hospital? All you had to do was ask."

"I am asking," he pleaded, but all I could feel was anger. "Just not for that. You know I don't want this to happen- the only child I want is with you."

I scoffed, and surprisingly, tears started to well up in my eyes. "Your unbelievable, Luca." I hung up, walking out of the elevator as soon as it dinged and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

How could he say he wants a future with me but get another girl pregnant? How does that work? He promised me he'd always been careful, and I hardly have enough money to pay rent, how can I buy him a plan B pill? But hearing those girls sobs, has broken my heart.

If I were to buy one, I would do it for her, and not him. She still has a future.

When the door tried to open, I mumbled that someone was in here but it pushed open anyways from a spell, and slammed harshly again. My eyes met with Dracos; mine went even wider. "The fuck-"

"You've been ignoring me," he spat, locking the door. I probably should have locked it. He took a step closer and I took one backwards, "Why are you crying."

Was I seriously crying over Luca right now? If anything, I should've expected this. "I'm not. And even if I was, you would never be the person I would go to about it. Or even tell."

He rolled his eyes, walking all the way towards me, gripping my waist before I had time to process, and took his free hand, wiping under me eyes. "Clearly, your crying." Clearly, I was crying.

"It's fine," I told him softly, suddenly liking his hand on my waist and the fact that he was being nice to me. "I just need-"

"Money?" He rose an eyebrow at me and I furrowed my eyebrows, wanting to slap him.

"Don't look at me like that, it's not like I was asking for it. And I didn't even say that's what I needed." I snapped at him, cashing him to tighten his hand on my waist.

"How much."

"Excuse me?"

"How much money, Estrella."

"None of yours." I tried to ignore the way he was growing closer, but couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach. "I would be an idiot to take your money, all you'd do is hold it against my head and say I owe you."

He shook his head, backing us up on a wall completely. "How much do you need. Think of it as an apology for being a dick."

I didn't want to do it, I really didn't. But when he put it that way, he really was a dick and the girl needed this plan B pill. "I just need enough to buy a plan B pill."

Suddenly he was completely off of me, looking at me like I was crazy. "For who?!"

"For the girl Luca had over last night," I told him sharply but softly, my heart aching the mort I think about it.

He seemed to relax at that, looking at me like I was okay to touch. Which he did, he put his hand back on my waist and pulled me back in, his face too close to mine. "Malfoy.."

"Call me Draco." His voice was soft, but before I had time to actually say it, he bent down all the way and slammed his lips onto mine.

He pulled me up by my thighs, pushing me against the wall and completely making out with me. This is so new. He didn't stop, and surprisingly when he pulled away it wasn't to tell me it was a mistake, it was to go down my neck and start kissing me there.

Once he started to suck on the spot right below my ear on my neck, I let out a small moan, my hands instinctively going to his hair. I felt so exposed to him, with my thighs spread and all for him with my skirt, my body pushed against the wall only being supported by his large body.

When he pulled away, he looked at me with a glint in his eyes. "I'll give you the money," was all he said before putting me down gently and leaving.




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