-𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 (16)

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• 𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 •

Heart pounding, I tried to reach the can on the top shelf.

"I'm trying, Bubbles!" I huffed out, my tip toes starting to hurt. I've tried everything to get this damn cat food can down, Draco decided to put it on the top shelf. And all these fucking kittens are hungry.

I'm stressed- I'm more than stressed.

Two weeks ago I left St. Mungos with a heavy heart and now, I'm sitting at home with all of my work on line. Two weeks ago I was a completely different, sobbing on my bedroom with my heart consuming my feelings. I was heaving for breath with my hand covering my mouth, thinking back to the horrid look Luca gave me when he was forced out of my college classroom.

He deserved it.

I was pregnant with his child and I didn't even know. It wasn't consensual. Giving him a baby wasn't something that I wanted. It made me sick to think about the fact that I was carrying a child- Lucas child- and it wasn't consensual.

My phone started to ring, another aching pound added to my head. Legs trembling and toes finally relaxing, I left the cat food and went to grab my phone. "Hello?"

"Care to explain why Dracos been trying to reach you repeatedly?" Hermiones voice rung through my ears, my hand pushing a curl out of my face. "But the more important thing, is how he knows where you live?"

My eyes wanted to roll, but my heart sort of stopped beating. "I don't know," I didn't studder, but my voice slightly wavered. "It's probably in the papers of the hospital-"

"Estrella, you suck at lying." She cut me off sternly, a cold tone in her voice and I could already tell she knew. "He was dumb enough to describe me the whole fucking apartment. I asked him what it looked like and he even remembered the sticker garden you have right about your stove."

"He couldn't have-"

"And the Daisy sticker on your microwave?"

"That was because-"

She sighed, "And even the fucking painting on the wall of your pineapple. What the hell is going on, Estrella. Malfoy of all people?"

My body slumped against my counter, "It's not what you think okay?" My tone was gentle, no hint of fear in it but it was deep in my heart. "When I was in the hospital, he paid my rent and took care of my kittens with Mama cat. That's the only reason."

I could practically head the hesitation in her voice, "Since when did you get kittens?"

"Since i felt bad that they were on the road with Mama cat," I told Hermione softly, watching one of the kittens play with a feather.

She sighed another sigh, this time a more believable one. "Estrella you scared me. I don't want you involved with Malfoy, okay? He's horrible, and not to mention he's called me a mudblood my entire life."


"I know, Mione."


"Jae! What the fuck!" All he did was laugh at me, dragging me inside the building I didn't want to be in.

He pushed his glasses up, "Estrella I want you meet the boy I'm talking to." My hand gripped his tightly when we entered St. Mungos, my mind still fixated on the fact that he apparated me here without my permission. "His names Blaise Zabini."

I nearly choked on my own spit.

Isn't that one of Dracos friends?

My feet instantly stopped, but they dragged because Jae was practically pulling me so much. I was fine with working from home, but now he wants to drag me up here at 7:30 in the morning and meet who he's talking to. It's been two more weeks since Hermione called me and since then, she's been keeping tabs. I know she has.

But so have I.

My body doesn't feel right. I can't put my finger on it, I really can't but it just doesn't feel right. I've been hungry, starving actually, all the fucking time. My kittens sometimes lay on my stomach. Guilt ran through me like a train.

A rush of shivers ran through my body, "Jae can I get something to eat-" I stopped talking at the sight in front of us, the cafeteria filling with voices but all I was focused on was the three people sitting in a group.

Amelia Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and someone who I can guess is Blaise Zabini. I would lie and say he wasn't attractive but- he was.

And I could practically see the blush growing on Jaes face, but something in my stomach didn't feel right. "Don't be a pussy now," I mocked him, giggling and pushing him forward.

My eyes connected with a pair of blue hues.

He was instantly getting out of his seat, and it took me a moment to register it before I was pulling back against Jaes hand, the bile feeling in my throat rising even more. "Estrella? Where are you-" I didn't give Jae a chance to finish before I was turning around.


Even Dracos voice was enough to spring tears to my eyes. This is all over the place, my head is pounding and my stomach is literally about to rise in my throat. Chest tightening, I started to run through the halls to find the nearest bathroom.

This isn't happening.

This cannot be happening.

"Estrella, please stop!" His footsteps echoed behind me, my eyes watering more. "You have to listen to me!"

The bathroom was right in front of me, my hands colliding with the door and pushing it open harshly, instantly running to the toilet. My mouth tasted sour, hands trembling and everything was blurry in my vision. The door was locked behind me, hands taking my hair and keeping it away.

I sat back, my legs underneath me and tears streaming down my face. I hate throwing up so much.


"Don't." I snapped, moving away until his hands came down to my waist and brought me into his arms harshly. I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me and I was far to weak to fight him.

He turned me around, and for some reason, tears were in his eyes. "Please fucking listen to me." I gave him a curt nod, his hands pulling me closer to him, "The pill I gave you, Estrella. It wasn't- it wasn't a pill I thought it was."

Suddenly, my mind went fuzzy.

That's what's wrong with my body. I'm pregnant with his child.





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