- 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲 (5)

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• 𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 •

"You have to show up for work, Estrella." Hermione groaned through the phone. "They don't want to get someone else but if you want this job then you have to- I don't know, maybe show up?"

I rolled my eyes, looking at Jae-Jin who was holding back a laugh. I'd told him about what happen with Malfoy- how he completely pushed against me with his lips and then called it a mistake straight afterwards. And although he was there to comfort me, he was also there to tell me how much of an idiot he was and how rude he actually is.

Jae-Jin was the main person I could talk to besides Lillian and Luca. If I told Luca about kissing my boss he'd probably flip his shit and go straight to the ministry.

"Fine. I'll be there tomorrow." I scowled Hermione through the phone even though she couldn't see me and hung up. "I'm definitely not showing up tomorrow."

Jae looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "If you don't, you'll lose your job. You were barely able to pay rent last week, Estrella. Are you even able to buy yourself food?" Shaking my head, he sighed and started to get up off the bench we were sitting on in the courtyard. "Come on, let's go get something to eat and then milkshakes."

I followed him, and we got into his car while he continued to tell me about him and Carla. Carla has a child - a two year old and she's still balancing college so I can say I'm very proud of her. Recently, Jae has helped her with watching Emerly, Carlas daughter, and they kissed one night. One thing led to another and now their sort of friends with benefits.

Jae doesn't want to be friends with benefits.

Which I don't blame him, but considering that I'm not in the mood to be someone's therapist, I only agreed with him. I have no room to talk, I just full on kissed my boss and now I'm embarrassed to show back up to work.

It was my first kiss- and I really wanted it to be something more than a 'mistake.' I hadn't even kissed Luca, and now I was regretting the decision of not letting him be my first kiss. Because I could've pulled away from Malfoy, but I didn't.

Jae pulled into a diner, and I got out of the car and followed him inside. "I'm considering asking Carla to be my girlfriend you know. But Amelia- I think- already has her eyes on Carla." He told me as we took a seat at a booth. He was referring to Amelia Malfoy, the girl who hates my guts uncontrollably.

I never understand why she hated me, but I could only guess time would tell. "You should ask Carla. Besides, Emerly loves you more than me and that offends me." I joke, sitting across from him.

He raises his eyebrows and then puts them back down. "Yeah, but I'm not sure I'm even into girls. Estrella, you know that guy in our Computer Science class? He's fucking hot. Maybe Carla and I are meant to be friends with benefits."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Do you think I should make out with Luca? Just to see what it feels like."

"Definitely." He responded, "Mans been dying for that, I'll tell you."


I slipped on the cream colored turtleneck, and tucked it into my black pencil skirt.

I didn't have a choice but to go to work today. After I told Hermione yesterday that I'd go, I didn't and now I got a note in my mail threatening to completely fire me if I didn't show up and catch up my work.

My hair was down, my curls everywhere but I didn't really care, because I planned on working in the lunch room instead of Malfoys office- even though that's where I'm supposed to work. Apparating, I landed right out front of the hospital, and opened the doors to be greeted by Hermione with a scowl on her face.

"Estrella you are in a rough position right now." She told me sternly, walking up to me and handing me a huge stack of paperwork. Oh fuck. "Amelia Malfoy is about to take your position if you don't catch up by Wednesday."

Rolling my eyes, I gave her a nod and before I could leave she mumbled something about Draco doing surgery on someone right now.

I opened his office door and thankfully, he wasn't here. So I figured I'd just start in here and wait.

Waiting took a long time.

About an hour later, I wasn't even a quarter done with this work before Draco abruptly opened his office door and I slightly jumped from how quiet it was until he burst in.

He paused for a moment, but I didn't look at him, only continued to work. He cleared his throat, and closed the door behind him while I fought the urge to pull it back open and walk straight out. Why hadn't I? Because when he sat in his chair I got a whiff of his scent and it made me feel all giddy inside.

"Didn't think you'd show up." He started off, and I didn't seem phased.

"Neither did I."

He went silent after that, and my hand was starting to hurt from writing so much. I set my pen down, and continued to stare at the desk while my hands fumbled in my lap, trying to get rid of the ache in my muscles.

My phone beside me rang, and I looked at the notification that said a message from Jae.

JINJIN👨‍🦯: I'm bringing you lunch, whatcha want to eat?

ME: Just a milkshake please? I'll pay you back.

JINJIN👨‍🦯: Dont be daft, Bug.
JINJIN👨‍🦯: So, chicken Alfredo and a milkshake it is.

ME: You suck but I love you

JINJIN: You also love your boss apparently💀.

I rolled my eyes and tried to contain my smile, and set my phone back down before grabbing my pen again.

Draco however, wouldn't stop staring at me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked him rudely, looking up at him finally.

He glared at me, hard. "You're not allowed to be on your phone."

"Okay, you should've told me that on my first day," I mumbled, before muttering under my breath, "Lunatic."


The butterflies I got when he said my name, was above to over power the feeling of hurt. "Woah, woah. We are not on a first name basis. It's Granger to you, and it always will be."


[what chapter should smut happen?]



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