~PLATFORM 9 + 3/4~

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A/N: Short chapter, sorry. Kind of a filler 


YOU GAZED out the window longingly, just happy to be anywhere but your "home". We were finally on our way to Hogwarts, the very place of her soon to be freedom and happiness. Your mother drove you to the train station hesitantly. She was only going to let you go because Anne had to go too, and your mother wanted time alone. 

The car ride was silent, as expected. 

Earlier that week you went to Diagon Alley alone and bought everything you needed for school, sneaking out the house without your mum knowing. 

You looked longingly at the owls, particularly a fluffy white snowy owl, but decided against it; You had scarce and little to no money to spend. 

You got the coins from the jar downstairs not much, but enough. Your mother and sister never used them anyhow, for they almost never left the house. 

You got second hand robes, and you used Milo's old books. He left notes and drawings all over them, and you grinned at the thought. You loved the idea of learning from the same spell-books your brother used, but she had to make an effort to remember he wasn't even alive anymore, though it felt like he was there only yesterday... 

Your mother most definitley wasn't going to take you shopping. 

But she took Anne, of course. 

Your sister got all new robes, all new books, and even got a new wand and a new pet.
An ugly grey cat who seemed to hate her, because he hissed whenever she prodded his fur. You knew the feeling. 

Even though you felt something kinda similar to love towards your family, it was pretty hard to. They didn't make it very easy, that's for sure. 

You run your finger along your new wand and beamed. You can't wait to go to school.

When your mum stopped the car, she and Anne met arms and walked in together, your sister  wheeling her newly cleaned trunk behind her, with her cat tucked in her arm.

You sighed and grabbed your own trunk out of the back and into a trolley, then trailed after your family, in a rather excited pace. 

When you got to the big brick wall you've been to a thousand times to drop your older siblings off, you run right through the middle of it. Once on the parallel side, your mum takes Anne in her grasp. "Goodbye my angel daughter. Enjoy yourself, this is your 3rd year, so make it great!" She carefully kissed your sisters forehead, then slowly waved a tearful goodbye to Anne.  

You remember when she used to do that to you.

You stand and wait, hoping to see your mother smile at you. 
Say goodbye. Something, any single thing, before you're off. 

Because you're not sure if you want to go back to that awful place. 

But instead, the face of disgust she uses around you is applied, and she turns off on her heel.
You could hide and run away from the fears and sadness. 

But instead you hold in your tears and hop on the train.

But instead you hold in your tears and hop on the train

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A/N: You probably already knew, but the music at the top is what I thought could fit with the chapter, so uh, yeah. 

- T E A 

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