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A/N: Enjoy the song, I know I did. 


YOU STOOD  by the bushy haired girl at the sorting hat ceremony. You felt every pair of eyes on you, and you immediatly thought of your poor childhood. It made you want to shrink into a ball and cry. Pushing that aside, you eagerly wanted to know the bushy haired smart girls name, to ask her a question. "Hey, e-erm, could you t-tell me your name, please?" 

"Hermione Granger" as she stood up straighter, she stated, matter of factly. 

"Harry Potter." Professor McGonagall called out.
Gasps filled the entire hall.
You looked around, confused. You had no idea who this guy was. From what you could tell, he was a small scruffy boy with messy black hair, nice, slightly awkward personality, bright green eyes and glasses. Nobody terribly special. So, with nobody to socialise with and no way to keep up with current affairs at home, you felt pretty disconnected with everybody's awe.
"Who's H-harry P-potter?" You whisper to Hermione 

Her eyes flew open widely. "Oh, merlin, have you been living under a rock, Faith?"
You give her a look."K-kinda, yeah." A dramatic pause. "Um, he's the boy who lived."

And she promptly and in a detailed fashion explains everything about him to you. You're quite surprised she knows this much about someone else's life.

That hat yells Gryffindor and Harry grins, running to the cheering table.
"Ronald Weasley." Ron squeezes your arm. "See you at the Gryffindor table!"

As promised, your friend gets into his favorite house, only to be congradulated by two tall redheads, and judging by the hair, demeanor, and similarity in features, there was no way these three weren't siblings. 

As you anticipate your time coming for the sorting, you wait nervously. 
"Don't be nervous." A voice from beside you says.

You whip around to see Harry Potter, the boy from the train that helped you.
"Faith, right?" 

"Y-yeah. You're, u-um, Harry?" Even though we've already met a couple times. 
He grins. 

"Yep. And hey, Fai, don't be nervous. What's the worst that can happen?"

Fai. I like it. 

After a couple more students, the Professor calls upon you.
When you walk to the stool, you see the headmaster, Dumbledore, gazing at you intently, almost as if he placed bets on which house you'd get into with the other members of the staff.

When you face the school you see they're doing the same thing.
You see Ron and Harry and they both gives a thumbs up. You nervously barely grin back.
Then you make eye contact with Harry Potter for a long moment.
You break it when the hat is placed on your head.

"I can see that you have had a rough upbringing, Faith."
You swallow the huge lump in your throat.

"But your courage still shimmers and shines through!" The hat continues, in an upbringing tone. "Its gotta be, GRYFFINDOR!"

The red and yellow house welcomes you with a brilliant cheer, an uproar of gratitude.
You quickly go to sit in between your three new buds.

"Why the heck is she in Gryffindor?" Yells a female voice from the centre of the table. Amelia. Anne's bestest best friend. Your sister must've told her everything she thought of you.

 "She's a murderer! An evil one, too!"

Your heart drops as the hall goes silent and you feel the Niagra falls form in your eyes.
You see Anne staring at her hands.
Of course she wouldn't possibly do anything.

You look around in a concerned manner.
Everyone is staring at you, there eyes boring into the back of your head
Hermione holds your hand.
You have no idea what to do. You're standing by the seat with your legs quivering beneath you.

"Shut up Tonkin." A boy yells. He has fiery red hair, and I recognize him, for he was congradulating Ron.

"Yeah, nobody's asked you." A similar voice says. Someone identical to the boy before.

You blink the tears away and reluctantly sit down.

"Yeah, um, sorry about that." said a boy wearing a Gryffindor jumper. 

"Yeah. Most Gryffindor's aren't like that" mumbled a girl sitting next to him.

Soon rounds of condolences are given around the room.

You breathe a heavy breath of relief.
You didn't need any of Amelia's taunting on this day. 

Ron gives you a nice hug and Hermione lays her head on your shoulder.
Harry smiles a huge simile at you that you return from in his seat. 

And with awesome friends like these, you know this year will be perfectly fine.

And with awesome friends like these, you know this year will be perfectly fine

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A/N: There'll be more taunting and stuff, but there ya go.

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