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A/N: Ooh, lets see how this works out...


YOU BRIEFLY  scan the seats and rows to try to find an empty one. You'd forgotten how to socialize with kids your age. Maybe it would just come naturally? You hoped. 

After coming unsuccessful with finding a compartment to yourself, you take a deep breath and slide open a door to one; in it is a redheaded boy stuffing his face with candy, a bushy haired girl looking like she was in a heated argument with something to do about spells, and a boy with round glasses who looked rather curious and excited at the same time. 

The curious boy looks up at you with wide green eyes, almost as awkward as you seem. 

"U-um, sorry, I-Erm"

Then the redhead broke in "All the others are taken. I got it. Wouldn't want you sitting with Malfoy, huh?" He spoke with his mouth full, and he gestures for you to sit down, swallowing hard.  

"I'm Ron. Ron Weasley"

You, especially before the accident, were a very confident person. You felt like it had been downplayed whilst living with your mother and Anne, so even they had spoiled that as you nodded curtly, 

"I'm F-faith." You say, as you relax ever so slightly into your seat, while the curious boy and the intelligent girl listened intently. 

"First year?" Ron asks you, and you wondered how it was possible for that many freckles to appear on one persons cheeks. 

A/N: I'm going to make everyone's interactions with Faith to be slightly different, so, yeah. 

"Y-yes. How a-about you?"
He nods. "I'm gonna be in Gryffindor."

"H-how do y-you know?"
He smirks, and it creeps into the tone of his voice. 

"I just do. My whole family is in Gryffindor."

You nod and look out the window.
You didn't really want to talk about family.

"What about you? What was your family in?"

"U-um, mhm, y-yeah, G-gryffindor."

"Do they still go to the school, or...?" He tilts his head slightly. 

"W-well, uh, my s-sister goes here. A-anne ."
Ron widens his eyes, so they're bugging out. 

"Anne? As in Anne Hayze?" He says hushed, while shoving more food into his already stuffed face.

You slowly nod and fidget with your hands. You already know what's gonna happen next.
"So, your, your family, they're - they got-"

You nod silently, closing your eyes so you don't remember. But your throat is already closing up, and tears are slowly forming. 

"Sorry. You know you're kind of, um, famous right?"

"I m-mean, maybe." You contemplate, your voice shaking slightly. 

"Well. Sorry again. About your family.  At least you have each other to comfort, right?" He said, hoping to brighten up the mood, not knowing how she'd truly react to his simple statement. 

That was it. Your last straw. You think about how much better you could of had it, if your family was still here. The tears were squeezing their way out of your eyes, when you stood up abruptly. 

"I g-gotta go t-to the b-bathroom" You barely let out, then rush to the washroom. 

You sit down ubruptly on the cold floor, and close your eyes. 

"A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O........." you started, annunciating each letter clearly, when someone knocks on the door, and walks in. 

You look at him expectantly, and notice its the curious boy with glasses. "Oh, er, you ran out pretty quickly there, and I-I erm wanted to see if-if you were okay" He breathed 

"Y-yeah" Your voice cracks, and he sits down next to you. "I'm f-fine" 

"Erm," He squirmed a little bit "y'know, I know what its like to not really have family. They -my parents died, when I was just a baby so I, erm, understand."

You hesitate. You've never talked about your family before. Well, after the accident. 

"I-I d-don't think i'm r-ready yet, but t-thanks...?" 

"Harry. Harry Potter" That name sounds familiar, but from where.....

A knock at the door startles you both, knocking you out of your thoughts. The whole train began shaking, and someone bellowed "WE'RE HERE!" 

Harry laughed, and offered his hand for her to get up off the floor. She lighlty chuckled, stood up and walked back to their compartment, and sat down.

"Who's this? Back again, Faith?" exclaimed Ron, looking slightly guilty for causing her mini panic attack. He couldn't possibly have known though.

"Yup, I b-bet you m-missed me" She spoke, slowly unleashing her confident side for it had been buried deep under for many years.  

A/N: Poor Faith tho

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A/N: Poor Faith tho. I promise things will improve with time though, slowly. Progress, right? 

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