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A/N: Sorry if the song doesn't fit with the chapter, its just peaceful to listen to when reading. How's Faith gonna react to Harry Potter playing his first match of Quidditch? 


THE FIRST  quidditch match of the year comes around, with everyone as excited as ever to see how it would turn out, especially since Harry Potter, only in his first year was going to be joining the Gryffindor team. 

You had to speed walk, because believe it or not, running isn't allowed in muggle schools, nor in magical schools, either. You scan the bleachers, searching for a good spot, while the wind is biting harshly at the exposed parts of your face not covered by the scarf. You meet Hermione and Ron, who have been waving at you the whole time. 

The three of you nervously wish for the best, knowing that Harry was going to be either letting down or motivating the red and yellow team. But you couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.... 

You soak in the sun as Hermione and Ron shriek at each other, only partially paying attention to the game, whereas you had given the match your full attention, and taking a liking to the game in the process. 

Suddenly, you feel a burning, scorched feeling in your head, and start seeing random flashes of Harry, but all you can collect is that Harry is about to be in some real dangerous pain. 

Sure enough, as your head is still blazing, the bleachers give a sharp intake of breath, as your flashes had not failed you, and you look down in horror to see Harry swinging rather viciously across his broomstick, and losing his grip at a rapid pace. If he wasn't going to get help, he could potentially die before Madam Promfrey could bippity boppity boo the pain out of him. Harry is hundreds of feet in the air with nothing more than a measley stick of wood to support him, and not to mention a stick of wood that appears like it's been jinxied. You are starting to panic as your brain can only think of the worst possible scenarios that could happen to him. 

"Have you ever seen a broomstick do that before. Could he be riding it wrong or something like that? Maybe it was indeed a poor choice to put Harry on the team." Hermione mentions to Ron, with a fretful expression plastered on her face, while Ron argues with a heated face. 

While they squabble, you can't physically tear your eyes and mind away from Harry, while your head is on fire, for a bludger that would defininetly get a speeding ticket in the muggle world is heading straight for Harry. 

"Shhh, calm down, Faith, everything'll be alright" you keep repeating over and over as some way of comfort for yourself that you used to do before Hogwarts. 

"He'll be just fine, there are a whole bunch of professors around, and don't forget we do live in a school of magic, so they could just bring him down if they really needed too" Hermione comforts you, but from the look in her eyes you can tell she doesn't believe her own words. Hermione's comforting phrases are interrupted, for suddenly, Harry Potter is plopping to the ground at a fast pace, much like the bludger. 

Suddenly, the bleachers stand silently for a couple terrorizing minutes as you see Harry start to  spit out dirt and gag as if he were drowning. 

Later, out of the blue, the Golden Snitch splats out of his mouth with a cough, and the bleachers erupt into cheers, for Harry Potter, on his first game, had caught the golden snitch, salitifying the team's win. 

After the match you, Hermione, and Ron meet Harry straight after he changed out of his stinky gear. 

You see him discussing with Hermione and Ron and feel nothing but relief, for the fact that your team won, and the fact that Harry was okay and safe. 

Harry the proceeds to catch your eye and he sees you walking towards him, and his face breaks into a huge grin, to match with yours. And before you know it, you're running like a track star to give him a giant hug to congradulate him on his win, and staying alive. 

"Harry! I'm so happy you're alright!" 

He grins and laughs slightly and you feel him wrap his arms around you.  Why were you worrying Fai, I'd be fine even if I did get hurt, Madam Promfrey could've fixed me up in a second, anyway." 

A smile then breaks its way onto your face, as you remember the most awesome phrase in the world 

"We won!"

"We won!"

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter was shorter, I'll make them longer in the future. And, if you did notice, I did leave out some important parts, but you know what they are, and how they fit into the story. 

- T E A 

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