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A/N: Sorry if the songs ^^ don't fit all the way with the chapter, and just you wait till Faith meets the Slytherin Prince...


THE FIRST  few days are an blur. Like a gust of wind, it disappeared as quick as a snap from Thanos. 

You, Ron, Hermione and Harry are inseparable, your bond only growing. 

You meet all the professors, and they practically swoon over your smarts. Especially good ol' Professor Snape who is a total Negative Nelly. 

You manage to avoid your mean sister and her friends so far, and the trio is behind you in everything.

But every time you're with them, which is a lot, you seem to be looking at Harry Potter.

Something about him feels.....familiar, in a way. Not a crush, definitly not. You didn't even think about crushes when you just made wonderful friends. You'd have to ask him if they knew each other before school or something. 

A couple weeks into your first year, you find yourself face to face with Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince himself, and the kid everyone gossips about in the common room. He looked average, so what was all the jibber jabbering about anyway. You immediatly got the chills that could only be conjured by hatred. 

But you know what it's like to be frowned upon, hated even, and oh man, is it not fun
"Faith Hayze." He says cockily, and you almost expected him to whip out a slow clap and say "well, well, well, if it isn't" 

 "M-malfoy." You mentally cursed myself for stuttering. You didn't want to come off as weak by an obvious enemy. 

"Nervous are we? Well, never mind that. Seems like you're the gossip of the school, and yet, we haven't properly met yet, little Faith"

"You're no stranger either." 

Hermione looks at you like you're mad, while Ron and Harry are silent, smirking slightly, wanting to see this showdown take place. 

"Why, this is such a splendid talk." Hermione jumps in, hastily. 

"Oop, well, look at the time" She yelped as she checked her non existent watch 

"We should get going. Like, now, Faith" Hermione whispered the last part. 

"Not so fast...Granger, is it? Well, I truly do admire you for taking this poor mentally injured young lady under your wings. A true act of community service." His smirk could be heard throughout the preach. 

"R-real brilliant M-malfoy." You spoke to him while rolling your eyes so hard they could just about fall out.  

"Let's go, Fai" Hermione yanked your arm heavily, like dragging a spoiled toddler through a walmart. 

The golden four made a 180  to leave the conversation, but can't are stopped short as the snake spoke what he says next.

"Y'know, on certain occasions, my parents can be a real pain. I could really use a hitman. I'll pay well, if that's what you're considering about. I know you need it, I mean, look at those robes."

Panic jumped through you like taking a knife to the heart. 

He knows.

Draco Malfoy knows what your family thinks you did.

Of course everyone would know.  And the fact that you hoped any differently makes you feel incredibly dumb. No wonder you weren't sorted into Ravenclaw. 

Heavy tears begin to start and you can feel your whole body tense up except, your jello legs; for they feel like they will be blown out at any moment. 

"Leave her alone Malfoy." A voice snarled drastically. 

At first you think it's Hermione, but as you look the three boys, (Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle) you find, as a pleasant surprise, it was Harry Potter. 

Harry has his wand angled at Draco's heart with raging fire behind his eyes.

You smirk to yourself, as you somehow know how this is going to end. It's almost as if....as if you can sense the future....

Hermione takes your hand, but doesn't look any less angered than Harry.

 A large gathering is taking place Harry and Draco look each other up and down, with grimaces and looks of pure disgust for each other, while puffing their chests out and pointing their wands in a cruel manner at one another.

"Why do you care, Potter." Draco sniggers, emphasizing on the Potter part. 

"Because, Malfoy" He counters, as if its the most obvious thing in the world

 "Faith is a good person, unlike someone I know. She didn't do anything wrong." You could practically hear the eyeroll in his speech. 

"Enlighten me, please. All I see is you looking at her. Ever said a letter to her ugly face, Stalker Potter?" He mentions, obviously pleased with himself because of his "awesome" nickname for Harry. 

"Say sorry, Malfoy. You know just as well as me absolutley nothing occured." 

"When did you become my mother, Potter?"  Draco sneered. 

Suddenly, Harry sends a spell on Draco, flinging him back, testing his goons to see if they'd do the right thing and catch him. 

They didn't. 

 Crabbe and Goyle move out of the way at a rapid pace, and let Draco kiss the ground. 

Screeches  around the courtyard occur, and in a blink of an eye, many professors start spewing in. Malfoy got ugly colored scars running up and down his face, but you could only feel happy that Harry had mastered his spell. 

You swallow hard as you fear exactly what will happen next. 


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A/N: hmmm, interesting, about Faith being able to predict the future type thing...

- T E A

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