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A/N: This is the last part of Snape and the Stone, and only a few more chapter's until year 2! Im so excited!  (might be a little bit of POV changes, just sayin) 


Ron was having a rather difficult time accepting the fact that he had to go and get his hands dirty while doing the treasure hunt for the stone, while Hermione, me, and Harry tried to knock some sense into him. After a little while, he accepted to keep moving, still as weary as ever though. 

"I suppose we're going to need that broomstick to get the right key, huh?" Ron gulped. 

The trio + you look around with a puzzled look for a telltale sign, carefully searching over every key until eventually seeing the screwed up key that looks wrenched and pre-used. Hastily, Harry grabs the broom, and older version, and quickly grabs the old key, while a thunder storm of the other keys attack him full speed ahead, but he wins the battle rather easily. Crazily enough, no matter how many times you see the young boy fly his broom, it never gets old, even as time grows old. 

At a rather quick pace, you lot make it across to another room, one with the floor sporting a checkered pattern and gargantuan chess playing pieces in formation around the board.

"Wizard's Chess." Ron breathed, a sense of awe in his tone, but his expression changed once he realized he had to play to get across, and even though the game didn't seem aggressive, it most certainly was. 

After what feels like ages of tense, carefully chosen playing, Ronald Weasley made a risky play — he resulted to getting himself knocked out but winning the game in the long run. When he got knocked out, his head chose to bleed, and seeing Ron, the boy who has been nothing but nice to you, (sometimes a little bit annoying with his food addiction) was quite a shocker and game changer for you.

"You guys go ahead, I'll wait with him." Hermione exclaims boldly. 

You and harry had matching faces of concern laced into your expressions, clearly telling her you weren't comfortable with this. 

"It's fine, really.  go on, we'll be fine!" The bushy haired girl prodded, as the injured boy next to her stirred. 

Almost regretting your decision, you and Harry sprint to the next room, your heart throbbing loudly, and you crossed your fingers that the raven haired boy couldn't hear your nerves pulsating off you. 

Suddenly, an excruciatingly loud thud could be heard, and you proceed to realize that there is some invisible wall barring you from reaching Harry. You are now in this strange room alone, and you slide down onto the floor. That is when the panic really starts to sink in, and you feel the familiar symptoms of your not-so-friendly panic attacks...

"H-harry!" You run back and slam your hand on the forcefield, as tears start slowly streaming out of your eyes, much to your dismay, and you feel your hand throb from the impact, signifying that you  are locked in. 

"What's going on? Faith, can you hear me?!" Harry yells, banging his hand in frustration.
You keep looking around, taking in the envoirnment, and you notice a circular room with stairs surrounding a small area with a mirror in the centre. 


Faith glances back anxiously at Harry for help, even though he can't do anything, and your throat begins to close up as you feel excruciatingly painful binds wrapping around all the way around you, securing you in place while puncturing your flesh. The binds wrap around every place on the blondes body, including her waist, arms, legs and neck, making her let out a shrill cry bloody murder as pain overpowers the girl and her bruises and burns are ripped open.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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