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A/N: *sigh* no it wasn't anything crazy that she thought was going to happen, she and Harry just got detention.  Enjoy. 

                                                                        ~3rd person POV~

Faith and  Harry have detention together for the couple of days.  Harry has it for two more weeks after that. Every single day. You get stuck in all of this drama for "encouraging the situation", so says Draco Malfoy, that git. 

Faith was not as close with Harry then she was with Ron and Hermione, in fact, she hadn't spoken to him, like really had a conversation with him since the first day of school, when he helped her on the train ride. For Faith's punishment, she has to help do a heaping wad of dishes, though you're not sure why, magic is a thing here. 

Ron and Hermione walk you there, squabbling away at each other, having something to do with their homework from Snape. For some un known reason, Faith was nervous about going to your first detention

But as Nike said it best, you just gotta do it. 

"A-alright, I h-have to go n-now" Faith lets out a shaky breath "Here w-we are" 
"We wish you the best, right Ron?" All you get is a "Huh? sorry I was thinking about that chicken from lunch" Faith rolls your eyes to a heavy degree. 

                                                                   ~Faith's POV~

Much to your shock, Harry is already in there, talking to McGonagall when you walk in. 

He pauses and says hello to you, while his green eyes smile brightly at you.

"Erm, Fai, I'm sorry for you having to come here, for something you couldn't really control.  I came here early to, uhm, do some work so you could do less. Sorry again." He lets out, and rubs his neck guiltily. 

You look at Harry, feeling the need to thank him. 

"T-thank you." you blurt

He tilts his head slightly to the right, confused "For what, exactly?"

"For, erm, s-standing up for me. For g-getting three w-weeks of d-detention. For me." You say, hesitantly, but it's true, no one has ever done anything remotely nice for you, since you were six years old. 

He looks at you, almost sheepishly, and you're starting to think he needs to see Madam Promfrey for his itchy neck, after seeing him scratch it once again. 

"No biggie. Really. Nothing he said was true. And definetly not that bit your family. That's none of his business." He says, secretly wondering if he should bring up his family problems. 

You nodded slowly. 

"And I, uh, haven't been living up to the nickname Malfoy gave me, by the way"

You smirk knowingly "G-great. I b-believe you" 

 Insert more awkwardness

You look at Harry expectantly, implying about the dishes you had to wash with your eyes. 

He doesn't get it.  

"Are w-we going t-to wash the d-dishes, or what?" You grin

"Oh, yeah, um, right this way" He struggled getting up from his chair, "we have to clean all these dishes." he claims, motioning to the obese pile of dishes, practically towering over the two of you. 

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