- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ You becoming friends with them/ Them crushing on you❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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Aether :
as dumb as she seems, Paimon caught on to you two pining for each other. so every night, Paimon would pester Aether to make a move. "Paimon, please, its 4am". But you two continued on expiditions. Paimon consistantly being left out of conversations so you two could giggle and blush at each other.


Kaeya would always bump into you at the Tavern

Diluc :
After you and Diluc first met. Kaeya non stop dragged your ass to the Tavern. So when Kaeya was drinking his heart out you and Diluc would talk. Soon after that you actually started hanging out other places. There would even be some days he came over to your house. You would always let him vent to you. You were very caring for him and you would always bring him food while he worked,p. He developed a crush on you because no one was so caring to him. He really did feel loved around you.

Venti :
This tone deaf bard. After he realized you took care of him for the night. Yall became close friends. He would always sing you song and you would even go in rides on Dvalin with him. Whenever he got drunk you got pissed but you still took care of him at your house. He developed a crush on you because you were always so nice and fun to be around with. Plus you were always so gentle and kind with him.

Amber :
You would always catch her wind gliding and eventually you would bring food for her to eat. You would always hang around her landing spot. I mean wind gliding that much must be super tiring. You would always talk and eat when she would land. After she finished all of her duties she would regularly visit you. She Woolf sometimes even spend the night. She stays up a little longer just to see you asleep and cup your face mnzdnddjdnnd. She developed a crush because you were so kind and made her insecurities go away. When she's with you   She feels comforted.

Well um, when you guys cleared that ruin.you fell from the top of a rock and Jean caught you. She developed a crush on you in that exact moment. She would regularly send the knights out to find you and bring you into her office just to talk. You would bring her food and even give her little head pats. You would praise her on her work. You know how hard it is to have to do a lot of work. Plus doing that every day must be so much work. She would always blush at these little things. She felt loved and cared about when your are around.

You would always help out and it makes her job so much less stressful and carefree. Those gifts made her feel loved. You would regularly bring her food just in case she forgot hers or didn't have time to go out and get it. You would invite her over to your house just to make let her relax. She would sleep over some times and like Amber just stays up to look at your adorable sleeping face. She would cup your face and rub her thumb on your cheek. She developed a crush because you supported her and always made sure she was doing alright.

There's the chapter. I'm thinking about adding like scaramouche or Childe. Snezhnaya go brrrr. I love you all ❤️

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