- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Beidou Catchup ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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How you met:

You were lost in Guyun Stone forest, You got caught up with a crap ton of treasure hoarders. A (hot) captain saw you and instantly jumped in saving you. 
"Hey you okay?" HER VOICE WAS SO HOT YOU JUMPED. "yeah, Thank you so much for saving me!"
"Its nothing. Hey, what are you doing out here anyways?"
"I was adventuring and um, kinda go lost."
"come on the ship, you can stay there."
"Thank you! Also, whats your name?"
"Its Beidou, you?"

You guys becoming freinds/ Them crushing on you.

There wasnt enough rooms on the ship for everyone, so you had to share one with Beidou. You also had to share a bed. You always supported her and beleived in her, she adored how you did that. Plus whenever she got hurt you freaked out and took so much care of her. She secretly spoOns you from behind when your asleep.

How they confessed.

She invited to go up to the exact front of the ship. You went and she gave you your favourite food. While you had your mouth STUFFED. She asked, "Hey, do you wanna become my Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Partner?" YOU FINISHED EATING SO FAST AND BASICALLY SCREAMED YES. The other crewmates got worried but Beidou was with you so they supposed you were okay.

Cuddling/Sleeping Together

Cuddling/Sleeping Together

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She spoons you

Jealousy levels


She gets jelly somewhat easily, she gets angry when someone gets to close to you. Will straight up yell at them saying "Back off shit head" 

I mean go off hottie

Pet names

Her names for you:  Babe, Hottie and hon

Your names for her: Honey, Babe, Baby, Hon and lovey

How yall watch horror movies:

She laughs at the jump scares

Like it could literally be the scariest thing you have ever seen but she laughs-

But cuddles you to make sure your not scared <3

You steal her clothes:

She LOVES it

Gets super lovey-dovey all day.

Cuddles you all day.

Gives you a shit ton to steal

Their Instagram:

I love this Hottie so much

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I love this Hottie so much

When your on your period

She gets super cuddly

Makes sure you like BARELY leave bed. 

Gives you so much food and cuddles you all day

Massages your stomach when you get cramps.

When you simp for an anime character:

Shes exactly like Lisa

"Yeah they're hot but im so much more hot"

gets even more dominant than usual

just use your imagination for what happens next.


Beidou tho 


Thank you so much for the support it means so much! We are so close to 1k!

Have a great day/night!

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