- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ X Shy Reader ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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-Always introduces you and talks for you because he doesnt want to make you feel uncomfy

-He tries to not go to sop many social events so he can make you dont have to talk alot

-He helps you make friends and will always ask if you want to go home when you're around a lot of people


-He thinks you bring shy is adorable

- Teases you a bit about it.

- Will introduce yourself to anyone but makes sure to fluster you while doing it


- Helps you out a l o t

- Will make sure to be by your side all the time

Puts his arm around your shoulder the entire time


-Shows you off 24/7

-"Hey look at them! They look incredible, am I right?!"

- You definetly didnt slap him in the face for it


-You both barely speak so where does this get yall, nowhere

-But hes overprotective of you though

-If you feel uncomfy he'll take you home



-He's the one that basically yells out everything you say.

- He'll introduce u to people like "Hey everyone, This is my beauty, Y/N. Arent they so beautiful/handsome/good-looking?"


-She's just about exactly like Aether

- She rubs your back if you're starting to feel uncomfy.

- She comforts you as soon as you guys get home or go into the bathroom there.


-She is extremely outgoing so she always helps you talk or make friends

- She tells everyone what your mumbling under your breathe

-If you starting feeling uncomfy she holds you hand and stays by you the entire time.


-She is very formal and good at speaking so she will always help you

- If your feeling a little uncomfortable, she will whisper in your ear and tell you everything is going to be okay, while she holds your hand and rubs your back.

-She always introduces you to everyone and speaks everything for you


-just about exactly like Jean

-If you say something quiet she will say something like "This little cutie said (insert what you said)

- If you get uncomfortable she'll take you home because she probably doesn't want to be there either


-She will Yell out EVERYTHING you say

-"HEY! SHE/HE/THEY SAID (insert thing you said)

- If you get uncomfortable she make you face her and give you a kiss while saying everything is gonna be fine

Ningguang :

- If you say anything quietly she will make everyone stfu and listen to you

-She stays beside you all the time

- if anyone talks over you she will give the scariest death stare in the entire universe

I have Dolphin by Oh my girl stuck in my head ahaha

Thank you so much for reading!

Have a nice day/night!

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