- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Stuff you guys do ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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--The knights of Favonious purposly set you out on adventures together cause they love you two together

-Yall watch so many animes together , doesnt matter what genre. Lukcy star, Ouran high school host club, Danganronpa, Attack on titan, Black butler, Nekopara. theres so many

-Yall can have super deep convos. Like d e e p convos. 


-Yall actually do really stupid shhit together. He may be Calvary Captain. But yall will sneak out of monstadt at like 4am and blast Nyapasu in the middle of windrise.

-Whenever he gets the day off. Yall just sit at home in bed, watching anime and cuddling.

-Hes actually VERY comforting. If your feeling down he will reassure you, get you food, watch anime with you and rub your back while stroking your hair <3


-He is actually super Lovey dovey. Yall cuddle, stroke each others hair, give ach other massages, have dumb convos. All that cute jazz.

- Yall do everythign together. Cooking,cleaning, bathing (👀).

- He can be super submissive to you. Maybe use it to your advantage.


-Like Kaeya, yall do dumb shit together. You once hid a speaker into Diluc's Tavern and blasted the HxH intro. Yall got ur ass beat after that <3


-You're actually great friends with Diluc. Venti uses this to the best of his advantage to get free drinks-


-You have to give him context on everything. like e v e r y t h i n g. If someone makes a joke you have to tell him what it means sfdjhjbkhsfjkhdsfjkhsd.

-He is SUPER soft when it comes to you. You put his head on your legs he will m e l t.

-He didnt even know smegs was a thing until Lisa entered the chat. My mans questioned everyone and everything after that.


-He h0rny 24/7. You need try your best to calm him down. 

- He literally makes fun of Scaramouche and Signora ALL THE TIME. Its hilarious.

- Anyways says anything about you they will get popped. He very overprotective of you <3


-for some reason you guys find washing machines funny. When you guys watch clothes yall will laugh you asses off when its starts to spin. You two dont know why, its just funny. WASHING MACHINE SLANDER???

-You guys will find a cliff in any regio. Whether it Monstadt, Liyue or Inazuma. Yall will lay on the grass and just face eachother Its weird but it makes your bond stronger

-Like Aether,  The knights of Favonious love seeing you two together. They always set you out on adventures together.


-She once sneaked you into the knights of Favonious,  like she was so bored there. She literaly just snuck you in and ate food with you. Now she does this every 3 days.

- Yall do eachothers nails all the time.  Like as soon as yours or hers nail polish falls off yall repaint them

- You two always try out new recipes and foods together. I mean most of the time it turns into an explosion buttt you guys had fun atleast.


- You two listen to songs like Juliet by Cavetown, Romantic lover by Eyedress and Hot Cheetos by Clairo. So basically Indie loves songs ig. 

-You secretly help her out with paperwork because you want to make sure she isnt too stressed.

-You two are basically the parents of Klee. You  go on walks around Monstadt with her.  You guys are basically a family.


-You guys spend ours cuddling, listening to doja cat and watching tv or anime.

- Yall watch Dance moms all the time. Sometimes you will literally be doing anything. Cooking, cleaning anythinbg like that and she will randomly startreinacting the fights in dance moms. "You can sit here and say that my daughter is miserable so maybe we should put Khalani in her place. No i never said that. Yes you most certainly did. NO I DIDNT DINGBAT LISTEN. I SAID BROOKE IS YOUR MOTHER SPEAKING FOR YOU" She like went full in character and started like whispering but yelling at the same time if u get what i mean.

- Yall cuddle like SO much. Once you went into the library and fell asleep on her lap with her. ZIt was so cute. Jean, Kaeya and Barbara took pictures.


- Your guys sometimes annoy the living shit out of the crew. Pour water in front of their doors so when they walk out of the room they slip,  Blasting music in their rooms at 4am, put weird shit in their food, all that stuff.

- You guys really like when you just lay in bed, her arm around your shoulder and listen to music.

- Kazuha sets you two up on dates all the time.  He thinks its adorable when you two are together. You are also really close friends with him.


-She may act intimidating asf when shes out and about but shes a total softie with you. 

- She loves staying in, cuddling with you and eating food.

- yall once got bored and decided to throw random pieces of paper down on Liyue so people would think its those secrets. Its so funny to see them getting all hyped about a piece of paper that literally says "peepeepoopoo"


Thank you all so much with the support! I love you all so much <3

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