- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Childe Catchup❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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How you met:

You were in Liyue literally just eating. 

Some red headed weirdo comes up to you and starts flirting.

Your weirded out (cant blame you) but accept his phone number.

You guys talked a bit that night.

Becoming friends/ them crushing on you,

After you met you guys would regulary call on the phone and sometimes hang out.,

You would invite him over and he "had to stay the night because something happened and he cant sleep where he usually does"

You let him stay but he did not sleep nono.

He watch over and secretly spooned you <3


He was actually to scared to say it in person so he asked you over the phone.

He mailed you flowers and called you up and asked you out,

You (obviously) accepted.

Cuddling/Sleeping together.

Hes the one in the Black hoodie

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Hes the one in the Black hoodie.

Jealousy levels:


he gets jealous quite often.

he will glare at the person.

If they dont back up he is not afraid to straight up pop the person.

Pet names:

His for you: He calls you everything and never settles on one,

Yours for him: Moneybags, Honey, Babe and baby.

How yall watch horror movies:

If you get scared he lowkey finds it funny. You slap him and then he apologizes

Yall cuddle the entire time

He isnt scared at any point in the movie.

Just makes sure your happy and have enough food 

When you steal their clothes

He cuddles you from behind all day

He loves it and will give you his clothes to steal.

He begs you not to go out because he wants you to stay in to cuddle.

Their Instagram

Dayum we look so hot

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Dayum we look so hot

When your on your period

Kinda knew what it was.

You explained and told him to buy you food and to give you affection.

 He ran his ass straight to the store and called you up and asked what you want.

Bought you everything you wanted.

Gave you cuddles all day <3



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